Chapter 9-Izzy

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------------> Izzy! Isn't she cute? Just imagine her with black hair :) It's the right complexion, and the same cheeky smile ;)


Chapter 9

"I've got a plan," Cole told me as I made my way into the kitchen the following morning. A mug of coffee waited in my place, and right now, I had never been more thankful for anything. Cole was good like that. 

"As much as I'd love to hear that plan, I'm late," I said, quickly slurping down the much needed caffeine as I rushed around the kitchen, shoeing Cole out of the way. Grumbling, he went and sat at the table, watching me as a frantically tried to get all my things ready for work.

 Yes, I work. I have two jobs actually. One of them is evening work. I man the till at a petrol pump part time on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. I also have a part time day job as a teaching assistant, which mainly included reading to nursery children. Fun, right? NO! Do you have any idea how horrible it is to read the same old story about a fairy princess every single day? I would rather face off against the bloody demons! Parents everywhere, you have my sympathies. I suppose the kids are sweet but still. Cuteness isn't everything. I mean, take me for example. I'm super cute, but that didn't get me anywhere with the bills and other various shit.  

 "What?" he exclaimed, his tone annoyed. "But I spent all night working on it!" I paused in the middle of the kitchen to roll my eyes at him. 

"All night huh?" I asked sarcastically. He nodded his head vigorously. "So that...wasn't you I heard snoring at about 2am? Loud sound, sounded like a strangled cat? Ringing any bells?"  My remark was met with a frosty glare. I tossed him a grin over my shoulder as I made my way over to the door. 

"Look, we can talk when I get back. I should get home at about 1:30pm, something like that. Then we can discuss 'The Master Plan'. Alright?" When he reluctantly agreed, I made a hasty departure, practically running down the road to the bus stop. 

 I arrived at the school at 8:57am. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest, and my breaths came in pants.

'Yes. Three minutes spare, baby!' I thought as I made my way into the little office that accompanied the nursery area. The nursery was separate to the rest of the school. It had the main carpeted area, leading onto a reading room, the toilets, the office, the kitchenette, as well as leading outside to our own separate playground. 

 When the bell rang at 9am, the tiny kids poured in, big happy grins on their faces. 

"Mrs Hunter, Mrs Hunter!" cried my favourite child, Isabelle, as she rushed up to me and attached herself to my legs. I know it was wrong to have favourites, but I couldn't help it; she was just so sweet!

"Hey Izzy, how have you been?" I asked in a soft voice, bending down so that I was on the same level as her. 

"I went to London Zoo! I saw hippos and monkeys and-" And she proceeded to tell me all the animals that she had seen. 

 By the time break came around, I was practically a zombie. The effects of the caffeine were wearing off now, and my restless nights were catching up with me. You would think that after two days off for the weekend, I would come back feeling more relaxed, but no. I had to have my special "gift" and I had an obligation to "fight the demons". God, I hate my life. 

 After break, I read the same old books to everyone, and their little faces lit up on the same parts, just like they always did. The time seemed to drag as I plastered a huge smile on my face and played with all the kids. 

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