Chapter 23-Dreams and Nightmares

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Chapter 23

Cole's POV

As I lay with Raven asleep in my arms, I couldn't help but feel satisfied. Raven... Dear God, she made my darkest fantasies come true and then some! The feel of her in my arms... It felt so right. So natural. After so long of wishing it, she was finally admitting her feelings for me. Was finally in my bed. 

Glancing down at her sleeping form, I tucked a stray lock of her behind her ear, allowing my finger to linger on her cheek. 
"I think I might just be in love with you," I whispered, leaning down to gently kiss her neck.

Flashes from earlier flashed through my head.  
"You fucking died!" she cried, anguish and fury evident on her face. Denial dominated me. 
"No!" She had to be lying! I couldn't have died. I wouldn't do that. Not to her. Not to me. I'd sworn to never die by a demon's hand. But her wet cheeks were evidence enough. The pain on her expression, the dizziness in my head, the blood. God, all that blood. I'd died. 

I still found it hard to believe that I'd died. I know I should have felt something about that, but I couldn't manage to feel anything but an empty, numb feeling. But if I'd died, how was I even here? As far as I knew, Raven didn't have that ability. So what the fuck happened?

Raven shifted in her sleep, turning so that her body wsa facing mine, so close that her bare breasts were flush against my chest. I hissed in a breath while she slumbered on, unaware that she's just given me an instant hard-on. 

Gazing down at her once more, I noticed that slight smile on her face. I grew even harder. Her whole being radiated innocence, giving her an almost angelic look. While she usually radiated a sense of sadness that I longed to take away, now all she emitted was a beautiful sense of calm. 
'Angels couldn't possibly compare to her beauty,' I thought, resisting the urge to kiss her.  

Just then, a frown marred her exquisite face, deepening by the second. 
'What's going on in that head of yours?' I thought, my face mirroring her frown. 'You shouldn't have to feel any more sadness...' Her frown changed to a look of intense sadness and guilt, so much so that my breath caught in my throat. Tears began to leak from her eyes as her body began to thrash wildly on the bed. 
"No! Izzy, come back! No!" she yelled, twisting around writhing as if in pain. 
"Raven!" I shouted, alarmed. I straddled her, pinning her to the bed, wincing when I caught sight of various scratches on her arms from her thrashing. "Damn it Raven, wake up!" 

Raven's POV

"Izzy," I murmured, smiling slightly at the sight of her. She was so pretty, happily giggling away as if she hadn't abandoned me for the last few days. Her hair was as dark as onyx, glowing with vitality and life. Her blue eyes sparkled in the sun, seeming to laugh at me, her happiness infectious. I smiled back at her slowly, unable to help it. 

Looking around I noticed that we were in a huge field. The sky was blue, the sun was smiling, and I was filled with more calm than I'd had in a long time. Currently, we were underneath the only tree, although it offered no shade. 

But then the sky began to darken, the clouds becoming angry and violent. Rain smashed down into the once happy grass, scarring it with its ugly tears. Izzy's smile began to dim, until fear dominated her features. 

"Raven...I'm scared." I tried to respond, tried to reassure her, but I couldn't talk past the sudden lump in my throat. "Am I going to be with mummy now?"

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