Chapter 21-Never Let You Go

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Cole in hospital. It was as close as I could get to what was happening here :) ----->

Sorry for any mistakes, I suck like that. Editing is NOT my strong point ;) 

Chapter 21

Raven's POV

I let out a scream. I couldn't help myself. My whole body froze as I saw the knife plunge into Cole's shoulder. One minute he was in front of me, kissing me so passionately, and the next, he was stumbling back, a knife sticking out of him. Time seemed to slow as he slowly slumped to the ground.

Then the demon turned to me, grinning a psychopath's smile as it held up the bloody dagger to the relative light. And that was all it took for my vision to turn red. 

Intense rage pulsed within me, but I couldn’t force myself to move. It was like my muscles were all locked into place. No matter how much I wanted to move, I couldn’t. My gaze seemed to be stuck on Cole’s still form, refusing to move, even when I felt the demon move closer to me.
“Ahhh, now I can have you all to myself,” it murmured gleefully, making nausea roll in the pit of my stomach. That was all it took for me to snap.

 With a shout of rage, I launched myself at the surprised demon. My hands somehow found its throat and began squeezing. It let out a sickening gurgling noise, trying and failing to get me to release my grip. I shoved it against the wall, hearing a loud crack from where its head hit the brick. In a distant part of my mind, I wondered why my electricity hadn’t come on with my anger, but it was a far away thought. The rest of my mind was consumed with the need to make this demon pay for hurting what was mine.

 Tightening my grip, I kneed him hard in the balls, pleased when a look of intense pain flitted across its face. While it was distracted, I rammed by elbow into its neck. Satisfaction coursed through me when all the breath wheezed out of it, its already red face darkening a few shades. 
“Wha-“ it began to gasp, but then started to cough, effectively cutting itself off. 
“You shouldn’t have hurt him, you bastard,” I growled, spitting in its eyes.

 This whole situation felt unreal. I felt like a puppet, not in control of my own actions but damn if it didn’t feel good to knock the fucker around a little bit. After what he'd done to Cole, it deserved all this and more. It deserved to have a thousand lifetimes of torture. It deserved to have happiness for one, fleeting moment, and then have it snatched away the next. It deserved to carry the world's suffering on its shoulders. And that still wouldn't be enough. 

 What I wasn’t expecting was for the demon to suddenly push me back, causing me to stumble before I swiftly regained my balance. It fell forwards onto the floor, back arching at an unnatural angle. The sound of breaking bones filled the alley. I watched, horrified, as fur began to sprout from its body. Its clothes ripped, the broken shreds fluttering to the ground.

 A wolf now stood where the demon once was, snarling and baring its teeth at me. While I was surprised, anger still ruled me. Who the fuck did this demon think it was? Did it think that once I saw an animal in its place, I would scream and run the other way? I was Raven Hunter! I wouldn't be run off by some pathetic wolf. I sneered at it. 
“You think that’s impressive?” I scoffed, my voice low. “Wait until you see my power.”

 It pounced on me, making me fall backwards, hitting my head against the wall. Dizziness swept over me, but I pushed it aside, more concerned with the angry wolf snapping its teeth at me.

 Panic began to surface as its teeth sunk into my shoulder. Pain coursed through me, hot and potent, and I cried out at the agony of it. With my panic came the usual flood of electricity. The animal on top of me spasmed as the currents reached it, its eyes rolling back into its head. It fell away from me as that all too familiar sizzle filled the alley. This was the only time I didn't internally cringe at the sound. This time, I reveled in it, because I knew that it meant the pain of someone who had harmed Cole. Feebly, I scrambled towards him, needing to make sure that he was still breathing. Needing to be sure that it wasn't too late. 

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