Chapter 11 - Photo of Sarah

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Chapter Eleven

Sunday came quickly. Alice’s excitement had been promptly replaced by feelings of anxiousness and nerves when it came to eating a fine dinner and sitting at a fine table and conversing with fine people when half of the time she didn’t understand what English people were talking about. But mostly her nerves were surrounding James and the intimate kiss they nearly had shared.

She was proud of herself for turning away. Most women wouldn’t have if a handsome man was leaning in to kiss her but she wasn’t like most women. No matter how much his family disliked his fiancée, he was still betrothed to her and she would never, ever become a mistress.

Alice had received a short missive letting her know that a maid would be sent with the carriage to remain at the orphanage to keep watch over the sleeping children.

The day went like any other Sunday at it was hard for her to believe that she’d only known James a week and in it so much had changed. The children went to Sunday school lessons in the morning and she stayed in her bedroom for a while with her bible and rosary as she prayed for several things. She wanted those that she loved in heaven to be looked after and she hoped for guidance through her future endeavours. She prayed for families for the children she cared for and she prayed that she would one day have the courage to go to confession to seek forgiveness.

For the rest of the day she cooked and cleaned and made sure the children were presentable for the few families that were coming to visit with them that day. She was so grateful that one family had decided to take home one of the infants to raise as their own. As much as she got attached, she knew it was for the better.

She settled the children in their beds after an earlier dinner and left them to get ready in the short period of time she had before the carriage arrived and she had to leave to attend the dinner at Ethridge.

She had just descended the stairs when she heard a knock on the door. They were early! She was still wearing her plain, brown dress with a dirty apron. She hadn’t even combed her hair! Alice felt she had to make do with simply removing the apron and combing her hair with her fingers. The family knew she wasn’t a fine lady. She hoped they would forgive her informal attire. She opened the door slowly and was surprised to see Annie standing before her with an excited smile on her face. Annie looked beautifully dressed up for the evening which made Alice even more self-conscious knowing she would look horribly casual compared to the Alcott family. Annie’s gown was a deep, dark blue that was decorated with white lace around the sleeves, waist and train. Joseph and Amy were nowhere to be seen. Alice did notice, however, the church carriage waiting at the corner. Perhaps they were waiting for Annie in there.

“What are you doing ‘ere?” Alice asked curiously. It was then that she noticed that Annie held a large, white box in her arms, the kind of box she saw maids following fine ladies in town with after they’d visited their dressmakers. “And what is that?” she said pointing to the box in her hands.

Annie’s brown eyes warmed. “My dear Jacqueline, you may know me as a clergyman’s wife, but I will always be, first and foremost, an Earl’s daughter,” she said mysteriously as she invited herself inside. From behind Alice could see how intricately done up Annie’s hair was. Her golden locks were pulled tightly into a twist on the back of her head. A few random curls were loose down her back that softened the look. “I knew you would have only just settled the children so I took this as the right time to come and help you get ready.” Annie made her way into Alice’s small bedroom. Alice followed her and saw as she set the box down on the bed. She lifted the top and pulled a magnificent gown from the folds of tissue that protected it. “This was my coming out dress as a deb. So it’s a little out of date but it’s only been worn once.” The dress was a pale blue colour that appeared as though it had a tight bodice that cascaded down to the ground in yards of what appeared to be silk. “It’s Parisian silk so I thought it would remind you a little of home.”

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