Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to My beautiful and supportive readers

Chapter Eighteen

James threw Alice behind him, not minding at that moment if he was hurting her or not. The uniformed policemen made their way through the crowd, pushing the finely dressed guests out of their way. People were frozen where they stood. Never had the law interrupted one of their many society parties, let alone have someone arrested for murder.

The charge was an out and out lie. Alice had never killed anyone. She told him herself that she’d shot a soldier in the arm and the fright of it all had caused her to hide for the rest of the battle.

The first of the policeman was swinging a pair of metal shackles in his hand, ready to drag Alice to a cold and damp cell.

“She has never killed anyone,” James growled at the police officer as he met them.

“Stand aside, sir,” he said formally.

James caught the eye of each one of his family members. Looks of shock and sympathy crossed each one of their faces.

“It is alright,” Alice said quietly, stepping out from behind him. She held her wrists out to the policeman and he secured the shackles around them. Her little wrists meant that she could easily slip her hands out of them but Alice was too level headed to do anything so foolish.

“No, Alice!” James cried.

Alice just shook her head, telling him to stop.

“Miss …” the second policeman began but he didn’t know Alice’s surname.

“Devereaux,” Alice replied quietly.

“Miss Alice Devereaux, we are placing you under arrest for murder. As a French citizen, you will stand trial before a jury of your peers in your own country and you will be aboard the next ship.”

James knew Alice would not get a trial. As soon as she stepped foot on French soil she would either be shot or have her head shoved into a guillotine. Alice turned her head back to see him. She smiled meekly and have him an encouraging nod before allowing herself to be taken from the church.

The policeman closed the doors behind them and the room was silent. All eyes turned back to James while he concentrated on Sarah and the smug smile appearing on her face.

“What on earth …?” Joseph asked quietly from behind James. “Lydia!” he called over to the red haired woman on the pianoforte. “Play something for us.”

Lydia began to immediately play an upbeat jig and slowly, but surely, the dancing resumed and conversations started once more. All but his family were participating once more in the festivities as they made their way over to him.

“Let’s take this in my office, shall we?” Joseph suggested, gesturing to the back door behind the altar of the church. The group were silent until the door was closed behind them.

“Who the hell is Alice?” Sebastian said angrily, grabbing James by the shoulder and spinning him around roughly. “And for exactly how long have you been lying to your mother and me?” His dark blue eyes were virtually black with rage.

James had better things to do than apologise for lying. The love of his life had just been carted away on murder charges!

“Do not say such profanity in God’s house, Sebastian,” Joseph said impatiently. It was odd to hear such a tone coming from the humble clergyman’s mouth, especially directed at his father-in-law. But he had every right to forbid such language.

“I apologise,” Sebastian muttered.

“James, we demand an explanation!” his mother exclaimed.

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