Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

“It’s impromptu, I know,” Sarah said as she crossed the threshold without being invited inside. “But as soon as I informed my parents they immediately started planning. Invitations are being sent out this morning and I decided that I would personally deliver yours. It is the beginning of the season so hopefully our closest acquaintances won’t have prior engagements …” Sarah prattled on but James zoned her out.

James immediately wished that he had thought things through properly when agreeing to marry Sarah. This meaning that agreeing actually meant marrying her.

“James,” she said expectantly. His head snapped up and he saw that she had carried on walking while he just stood there like a shocked fool.


“I said ‘Are your parents in the dining room?’” she repeated herself.

“Oh, yes,” he nodded. Just when his mother was happy with him, Sarah had to arrive. He couldn’t get the thought around his head – his engagement ball. People were to gather to celebrate his engagement. What had he done?

He followed Sarah as she strutted confidently down to the Ethridge dining room. Not bothering to knock, she entered the room without waiting for a footman to announce her.

“Sarah?” Emilia said, startled as James came into the room after his fiancée.

“Good morning, Lord Ethridge, Lady Ethridge.” Sarah was bright and happy because she’d finally won what she wanted. “I come bearing an invitation to a ball. My parents aren’t sparing any expense so be sure to dress appropriately,” Sarah added as a subtle scathing comment to Emilia. The two had never got on. James had tired of defending his mother as Emilia more often than not shot a comment right back.

“It’s nice they’re spending some money on you finally, dear, we wouldn’t want you to have to keep wearing things like that,” Emilia said calmly, nodding to Sarah’s gown. It was a fine gown regardless though the neckline left little to the imagination. “It seems they can’t afford to finish the dress.” Emilia eyed her bust with a small smile.

Sarah glared at Emilia. “It’s supposed to look like this, your Ladyship,” she pouted.

“Oh, oh I see what you’re doing there,” Emilia grinned, winking, before returning to her breakfast.

Sebastian and Henry muffled their laughs while Sarah’s cheeks reddened. James just rolled his eyes.

“The ball is tonight at seven sharp. The invitation is extended to each one of your children, just ensure the dress code is upheld. James,” Sarah said, demanding his attention. “Walk me out.”

He was glad to. He almost wanted to have another drink but the headache was not worth it. He made Sarah a promise. He was many things but a man who broke his word was not one of them. He placed a hand on the small of Sarah’s back and moved her out of the room.

“I don’t like your mother,” Sarah hissed.

“She doesn’t like you,” James countered.

“People are always talking about how lovely and kind and graceful she is, and she’s just an old witch around me,” she complained.

“Watch it,” James said sharply. Subtle banter he didn’t mind, but he would not accept insults. “Not only is she my mother, but she is a Countess and she deserves and demands your respect.”

Sarah’s green eyes widened. He’d never spoken to her so harshly before. Instead of retorting, she plastered a fake smile on her face. “She doesn’t have to like me. Once we’re married she’ll just have to live with it.” They’d reached the door so James opened it for her. She stood up on her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek. “See you tonight, James. My parents don’t know about our arrangement so I’d like to keep it that way.” With that she took her leave and disappeared down the stairs toward her carriage.

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