Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty – Three

“Are you sure you don’t need me for anything else?” Alice stressed as she placed the children’s lunch plates in the cupboard. “It is only one o’clock, I can’t leave!”

Eloise rolled her eyes. “Alice, please. All I have to do for the rest of the day is prepare dinner. Besides, I have it on good authority that your time is occupied for the rest of the day …” she said mysteriously.

Alice furrowed her brows. She and Eloise often shared everything. Eloise had become a mother figure to Alice, just like Emilia had, and Alice tended to confide in her, especially when it came to James. She’d feel bashful discussing him with Emilia, so Eloise was perfect. She had the marital experience after all. “I have no knowledge of any prior engagements, Eloise.”

“Just let some things be a surprise.” She smirked and went to tip the dirty dish water out the window. Peering outside, she spoke. “Your carriage awaits, my dear.”

Alice frowned. What was going on? Flitting over to the window, she saw the fine Ethridge carriage pulling up outside the orphanage. She saw James climb out of the carriage wearing what appeared to be his finest clothes. He said something to the driver which caused them both to laugh. He ran his fingers affectionately down the side of the chestnut horse that was one of the duo pulling the carriage before he made his way over to the front door.

Alice immediately left the kitchen and walked through the dining room to the front door. She heard Joseph taking the children for their afternoon lessons and smiled as she heard the children giggling. She loved being back and around them. Four children – two infants and two toddlers – had been adopted while she had been away and only one child had been surrendered into their care – a twelve month old little boy. Eloise appeared to be quite attached to him and Alice secretly hoped that she and her husband might choose to adopt him. She’d already named him ‘Edward’.   

She arrived at the door just as James began lightly knocking. Swinging it open, she smiled. The butterflies in her stomach would never cease no matter how much time she spent around him. He made her nervous and excited. He smiled widely as he saw her which caused the light dimples in his cheeks to appear prominent. His dark blue eyes looked like sapphires. His coat was a fine navy colour and he’d matched it with an ivory waist jacket and cravat. She imagined that the material must feel glorious to wear. She wouldn’t allow them to buy her gowns now that she lived at Ethridge Manor. She knew that if James ever proposed she would have to get past her insecurities regarding money, but for now she preferred to make her own dresses out of the usual calico that the church provided for the orphanage to clothe the children.

“Hello,” he breathed.

“Hello,” she replied nervously.

“Whatever is the matter?” he asked, peering at her curiously. A lock of his dark hair fell across his forehead and it made Alice smile. No matter how perfect his clothes were or how handsome his face, his hair would always be the imperfection that made him human. It was, and always would be, untameable.

“Why is Eloise insisting that I leave so early?” she asked. She’d never left before six in the evening before now.

“We have plans,” he stated, giving her the impression that they were non-negotiable.

“What plans? I don’t know of any plans.” Alice didn’t like to be kept in the dark.

James grinned cockily and leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek. Alice felt a blush taking over her cheeks. “You look so adorable when you have been fooled.” He offered her his arm and she took it cautiously. “Come, I have a surprise for you.”

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