Chapter 1

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Hey guys, before I start to write this, You should go check out my multi account as in, me and xANNA_BELLEx 's account called xXAhri_BelleXx we are doing a Sans X Reader story, so have enjoy my Billdip book.
Dipper P.O.V.
There's a small town in Oregon named Gravity Falls. Me and my twin sister, Mabel moved there last summer with our grunkel Stanley. I found this journal in the woods and a lot of crazy things have happened since. We met a weird triangle named Bill Cipher, we even found out that our grunkel Stan had a twin brother named Stanford, even though for the longest time we thought Stanley was Stanford thanks to him using his brothers name, but while finding out that they were twins as well, we found that Stanford is the Author of the Journal I found and two others. Soon after, Bill released weirdmagedon, but we beat him again. Our grunkel Stan lost his memories for a short amount of time but thankfully soon regained them. After me and Mabel's 13th birthday party, we all had to part ways. We went back home and now it's the last day of school. This school year went by stupidly fast. My sister and I wait impatiently in our 6th period class waiting to go home because before we left this morning our parents said they had a surprise for us.

Once at home my sister and I find our parents in the living room with 2 packed bags. They tell us that we are going back to Gravity Falls for the summer.

"Yay!!!" Mabel screams as she tackles me with an awkward sibling hug. I laugh and pull away as Waddles tackles Mabel and gives her pig kisses all over her face.

>20 Minute Time Skip<

We are now on the bus, saying goodbye to our parents as we start to drive away to the Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls, Or. On arrival at the bus stop, we see, Brenda, Candy, Stan, Ford,Sold, and Wendy. I look upon Wendy's head and see she still has my white and blue pine tree cap on, while I with her hat as well. The thought of Wendy wearing it all the time made me feel happy. My sister and I Get off the bus and greet everyone.

"Welcome back kiddos! Nice to see you two again." Stanley says while rubbing our heads.

"You to Grunkel Stan!" My sister and I say in unison.

Wendy came Next greeting us and once again switching our hats.

"Hey Dipper, looks like you're the 'Alpha Twin' now " Wendy laughs obviously comparing the height between Mabel and I.

Grenda and Candy run up to Mabel and hug her as I greeted everyone else saying hi to them.

" Hey Mabel! I bought the full Ducktective CD set. Do you want to come over and watch it with me and Candy? " Grenda asks Mabel as she shows her the CDs.

"I would love to!" Mabel says as the 3 girls start to walk away.

"Ducktective sucks." I say. Uh-oh. Did I say that out loud?! Shit. I'm screwed.

"You know Dipper," Mabel turns around and looks at me with a murderous look on her face. " I didn't wanna have to do this to you but... You leave me no choice. ... Ducktective may suck, BUT YOU NEVER WILL!!" Mabel turns around smirking and left me blushing furiously realizing she pretty much told everyone my deepest, darkest secret... That...

I'm Gay.

I turn around to see everyone starring at me with jaws dropped to the floor and some slightly confused. I sigh regretting everything.

"Uh, Dipper, dude? What did Mabel mean by that?" Sold asks

I sigh once again wishing I didn't have to do this, but I guess I have to anyway, huh?

"I was going to tell you all later but I guess now is a better time than ever, I-I'm gay.." I sigh while looking at the ground disappointed in myself for being this way, but I can't help my feelings.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, I snapped my head up to see grunkel Ford in front of me.

"Hey kid... you are who you are, if you're preference is male or female, we all still care about you, no matter what we will always accept you for you. We all are still your friends and family wether you like it or not. " Stanford says and he takes his hand off my shoulder. Stanley walks up behind Ford and agrees with him and so does everyone else. Wendy looks at me and mouths ' We're friends no matter what. ' I smile and mouth ' Thank you ' back and she winks. Grunkel Stan suggests we go home and settle in.

Once at the Mystery Shack, I go up to the Attic where me and my sister were before to see almost all of her stuff put up and away. I put my bag by my bed and lay down on the bed and drifted to sleep soon after.

Hey guys, Ahri here. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! And a little fun fact, I did not come up with how Mabel revels that Dipper is gay. What really happened is at school one day, my friend (@mysticbrooke on Instagram) told me that our Gay friend, let's call him Bob, Bob said that Gravity Falls sucks so in our 6th period she said " Oh I want to scream at Bob!! Heh heh HEY BOB GRAVITY FALLS MAY SUCK BUT YOU NEVER WILL!!" It was awesome. But that's where it came from and I thought I would give her pain by quoting her. Well have a great day!! I might update soon. If you want follow me on Instagram- @ multi_.fandom._trash

Reunited Lovers A Billdip ( Bipper, Bill X Dipper ) Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now