Chapter 7

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Dipper P.O.V.

As soon as I was done eating I got a text from Mabel,

Mabel: Bro you need to come home now!

Me: What why? What happened?

Mabel: Trust me just get home now!

Me: Ok, on my way, I'm going to bring Bill with me.

Mabel: I don't care what you do, just get over here.

I stand up and put my plate in the sink.

"What did Shooting Star want?" Bill asked as I got my shoes on.

"She needs me to come home, I don't know why, wanna come?"

"Sure thing Pine Tree"

Bill put his shoes on while i waited at the door, we left his house and found our way out of the wood, while walking some guy with Black, shaggy hair, wearing a sleeveless white turtle neck with another sleeveless denim jacket, black skinny jeans, black and red high cut converse, with what looks like a white hospital eye patch covering their left eye bumped into me knocking me over.

"Hey watch where you're going kid!" They said as they continue to walk. Bill helped me up.

"You ok?" I nodded

"Do I need to go beat their a**?" I shake my head

"No, I'm fine really"

"Ok if you say so"

We continue to walk until we finally arrive at the shack. I walk in and go upstairs to find Mabel on her bed crying.

"Mabel?" I say while inching closer yo her, she looks up at me and hugs me.

"Mabel what happened? I haven't seen you cry like this since we had to leave last summer."

She takes out her phone and shows me what looks like a news article, headline reading: Married Couple found Dead in a car accident in California.

It took me a monument to realise, that the headline was talking about my parents, i quickly grab her phone and read the article, and see pictures of our parents, Dead.

"No. . ." I started to tear up and fell on to my knees staring sobbing.

Bill P.O.V.

As Dipper read the article, he started to sob, I came and sat behind him, pulling him on to my lap cradling him in my arms. 'He had a right to know, its better coming from his sister and not me.'

"Shhhh, I'm here for you Dipper, I'm here."

He turned and buried his face in my shirt and sobbed, hugging me, I started rocking back and forth comforting him. Then Mabel came down from her bed and I opened up an arm and I put her on my free side and comforted her too.

'Jeeze how did Mrs. And Mr. Pines do this?' I kept comforting them until they both fell asleep. I uses my magic and put Mabel on her bed, then stood up, carrying Dipper bridle style, putting him on his bed.

I went downstairs to see the Stan twins sitting on the floor looking at the ground blankly.

"Um, hey." I say breaking the silence. They both look at me with an almost disgusted look.

"They both are asleep upstairs. And I am so sorry. Really."

"Just leave all ready Bill. You're not welcome here." Stanford said looking back ay the ground.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry" I leave and snap my fingers leaving a note on the twins' side table for Dipper. I then walk out and go back home. 'Heh so long to those plans'

Dipper P.O.V.

I wake up to see a well written note on my side table. I sit up and am over come with a head splitting head ache. I grab my head and slowly reach over to the note and read it to myself

Dear Dipper,
I had to leave, your uncle's still don't necessarily like me. But if you need me, call my name and I will be there in a flash, I love you my Pine Tree.
Bill Cipher

I put the note down crying once again, remembering what had happened the day before. I pull my knees up to my chest, put my head between my knees and sobbed once again.

'Why me?' I looked over to check on my sister and saw her bed empty as well, with another note, not as well written.

Hey Dipper. . .
I am sorry, I am sorry for what I have done and I hope that you can understand and forgive me.
~Mabel Pines.

As I read I started to panic, I ran downstairs and into the bathroom. I screamed as loudly as I could for my uncles to get in here. As they ran in they saw the horrifying sight of my twin sister hung. Stanley quickly cut her down and Stanford checked her pulse.

"QUCIK CALL AN AMBULANCE SHE'S STILL ALIVE!" Stanford yelled as I called 911 and told them that My twin sister just attempted suicide. Not 2 minutes later they were here and they rushed her to the hospital.

"Bill please come" I say under my breathe waiting in the waiting room.

"You called?" Bill said now standing in front of me. I stood up and hugged him. He hugged back and picked me up bridle style and sat down in the seat I was just in and he cradled me, once again.

"Shooting Star will be ok. I know she will be, and you will too. It may all seem like crap now, but you will move on, because you are strong. You both are." Bill whispers into my ear. I nod and thank him burying my face into his shirt.

"Where are the Ford brothers?" Bill asked while looking around.

"They went to get something to eat" I replied as he nodded.

The next morning a nurse comes in.

"Mabel Pines Family? She's ready for you." The nurse says, we thank her and she leads, Me, Ford, Stan, and Bill to Mabel's room.

We walk in and I rush to her bedside crying. She weakly smiled.

"What the Hell Mabel?! Why would you go off and scare me like that?! You had us all worried!!"

"Dipper's right Mabel, this isn't like you. We all are going through the same pain, we are all here for you." Stanford said as he places a hand on Mabel's arm.

"Yeah kiddo, you scared us, I mean. . . what would waddles do without ya?" Stanley says while at the foot of her bed.

"I'm so sorry guys. It was just to much to handle and I thought that you all had enough to deal with and the pain. . . I don't know what got into me. I am so sorry Bro, I am so sorry Gruncle Stan, Gruncle Ford. . . I am so sorry." Mabel said while looking down at her sheets.

We all hugged her when a doctor came in and asked to talk to Stanley and Stanford, the three walked out and Bill sat in a chair next to my sister and I sat on top of him.

"Get some sleep sis. You need it, we'll be here till you are discharged" I say as I relax into Bill.

"Ok. . . again I am so sorry"

Mabel Falls asleep and so do I, I was tired. After staying up all night.

Ok this legit pained me to write, but 1200 words exact. And the song kinda sets the mood. . .

I AM SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME. I WAS LEGIT CRYING WRITING THE MABEL PART THO, I NEVER AM GOING TO KILL OFF MABEL EVER BUT I JUST FELT YOU NEEDED SOME SAD FEELS. . . and the fact for those readers who are suicidal, don't do it, there are SO many people out there who care about you, even though you may not think so. Anyways hopefully next chapter will have more of the 2 OC's I picked out and be a hella lot happier than . . . this. Again I am so sorry, and PLEASE don't KILL ME

Reunited Lovers A Billdip ( Bipper, Bill X Dipper ) Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now