FINALLY an explanation

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haha soo I'm here to explain a few things. So I'm sure you've gotten a reply to a comment you've posted on Chapter  11 from xXAhri_LynnXx which yes, that is me.

Soo, I have severe depression and its hard for me to do anything in life. But I'm alive and I'm still fighting and I'm not going down without a fight. But I also get a major writers block mostof the time, so there will be big gaps..betweeen chapters depending on my motivation.

I just got Wattpad back and well I went to see how many veiws I got on this story and Holy shit there are a lot. And I'm so frickin grateful. I'm going ti actually plan out the rest of the story and THEN write a chapter. So, keep an eye out for it.

My next point, yes this story is sorta..wrong in a sense, seeing as the HUGE age difference between Dipper and Bill, and if you have a problem with that, don't leave a fucking comment saying so. I am painfully aware of the situation cause some of you assholes love to point that out like I'm a damn idiot. 👌 Soo try not being such a fucking prick thanks.

On another note, I started this fic with no plan what so ever so its a bit of a mess, hence why I'm gonna plan it out a bit more.

If any of you are intrested in my social life, which aha, I DON'T HAVE ONE YAAY. xD

I have Snapchat and Instagram which you shoukd totally follow and give me attention/motivation cause well I'm  me.

(Snap: korga_01
Insta: klance._.for._.ever)

((yes I ship klance, no I don't give a fuck about your negitive options))

Uhh actually that about wraps it up, THANK YOU FOR READING ILY ALL
(except the haters, they can suck my dick)

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