Chapter 9

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Dipper P.O.V.

As soon as I woke up the next morning, i notice a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I look behind me to see what looks like a sleeping Bill. Huh who would have guessed, a dreaming Dream Demon.

I turn my body to face his and lay there admiring his cuteness. About two hours later he starts to wake up.

"Morning handsome." I say as he slowly starts to open his eyes. Once he realises it me talking to him he smiles and hugs me tighter.

I squeezed Bill back, then squirmed out of his grip. I sat up and swung my legs over the bed side, resting my bare feet on the cold, hard, wooden floor. I stood up and looked over at my sister's bed, empty. I then direct my attention to the digital alarm clock on my bed side. 12:00 pm?! I quickly turn back around to the still half asleep Bill and start to shake him.

"C'mon Bill, get up! I'm hungry"

"Nice to meet toy hungry I'm Bill" he mumbles still attempting at sleep.

"Biiiilllll!" I whine

"Ugh, fine. What time is it?"

"12:02, now get your lazy butt up and lets go eat"

"Ugh fiiiinnnnneeeeee" (me on a work day though xD)

Bill throws my covers off himself and stands up, still half asleep. He starts to stretch, and I end up laughing at his bed head hair. He give me a confused look as to why I'm laughing, I point to his hair. He finds a mirror and laughed at himself, i then quickly found a comb, walked up to my boyfriend and started to tame his wild hair.

"Thanks Pine Tree" Bill says as he turns around and pulls me closer to him. I smile and blush from being so close to him.

"Yeah N-no problem" I say as my arms naturally hang around his neck, while Bill's arms slither around my waist. Bill dose a cute smirk making my blush deepen to a velvet red.

"You are so adorable when flustered" Bill whispers into my ear making me chuckle nervously.

As Bill leans in for a kiss, we hear the door swing open, making Bill and I automatically pull back, followed by a squeal. I turn around to see my sister at the door, of whom looks like is going to explode. (I can relate though)

"Hey sis, whats up?"

"What's up?! I should be asking you that! Why are there bandages on your arms?!" She said, practically screaming at me. I put my arms behind my back in an attempt to hide them from shame.

Bill wraps his arms around me in an attempt to comfort me, and I'll admit. Its working.

"Mabel. . . its nothing. . . what did you want?"

"Well, before i get to that, where you and Bill going to kiss?" Mabel asks with a sly smirk on her face.

"I. . . I uh. . . Y-yeah, I th--"

"Yes we were, but you interrupted us. Now can you tell us what you needed so we may continue" Bill says, interrupting me, earning another squeal from my sister and a deep blush from me.

"Uh- yeah right! I came up here to tell you two that breakfast is ready and or here and that a new Marvel movie has come out, that i just so happened to buy tickets for you two to see, it starts at 5:00 pm so I suggest that you two get a move on! "

"Thanks sis, we'll be down in a few!"

"No problem Bro Bro!"

Mabel heads out the door and closes it behind her. Before I know it I'm turned around to face Bill.

Bill cups my face in his hand.

"Now where were we?" Bill leans in and kisses me. I melt into the kiss, I close my eyes and kiss back.

After what felt like forever, but only happened to be a couple of minutes, we break the kiss to smile and breathe. Our foreheads on one another, we sit there in silence smiling like goofs.

"C'mon lets go down stairs, I'm hungry"

Bill nods and follows me downstairs into the kitchen. We sit down and see Stan sitting there poking his plate of eggs. He finally notices us and smiles.

"Hey kiddo, what's with the bandages?"

"Nothing, really. Hey Gruncle Stan? I was wondering, and I've been thinking about this a lot, but can i get tattoos on my arms?"

"Yeah sure kid, you have my approval, just ask Ford too so he doesn't freak out"

Bill and I quickly scarf down our food, once done i put our plates in the sink while Bill was talking to Stan.

Bill P.O.V.

Dipper ran off to go find Ford to go tell him Dippers plan, i decided to stay and tell Stanley about what happened yesterday. So I tell him.

"If I'm being honest I can't blame the kid, he has been through a lot, after what happened to his parents and the incident with Mable, you really can't blame him. But you will always be there for him, right?"

"Of course I will, i can't imagine my life without my Pine Tree, he's my everything, And I'll be here to help him every step of the way."

Dipper P.O.V.

I 'run' to the hidden basement behind the vending machine to go find Ford, I finally end up finding Ford.

"Gruncle Ford, Stan all ready said yea but he told me to tell you too, I wanted to get tattoos on my arms."

"Yeah that's fine I guess, but uh Dipper, why are your arms wrapped in bandages?"

"Uhm can I not? I really don't feel like sharing that story at the moment."

"Some other time then?"


"OK well I need to get back to my research, many things to study and discover!"

I wave good bye and leave the hidden underground basement and go through the gift shop back into the kitchen to find Bill sitting there alone.

"Hey my flying Dirito, shall we go get freshened up?" Bill gets up, nods and smiles.

IT IS DONE. NOTHING SAD. MEH. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed, make sure you vote and leave a comment, Because I LOVE reading all of your guyes comments. Hope you enjoyes and btw

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