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yes, of course i'm speeding up zarry. i'll try to slower it down but that's it! love you all! xx


"niall? can i ask you something?"

"zayn do you know what time is it?" niall says in a groggy voice over the telephone line. he checks his alarm clock, seeing it's already 4 o'clock in the morning.

"I know niall but just hang on. do you know harry's telephone number?" zayn asks eagerly.

"ugh, that's it? really? ugh. yeah I do. why?" niall asked.

"uhm... just cuz." zayn says awkwardly over the other line.

"mmm... whatever, i won't ask anymore. you have a pen and paper?"

"yep. now tell." zayn says quickly and writes down every digit onto the paper.

"thank ni. night."

"night." niall hangs up and goes back to sleep.

↠ ↠

five days have passed after the day the boys and zayn have played ball and out those five days, zayn has been getting to know liam and niall and louis, but not harry.

which was very odd because zayn just wanted to get to know harry the most.

zayn asked louis about harry, but all louis told him is 'i don't know, why don't you ask harry'.

zayn just shrugs. though, today he wanted to change it up a bit.

he dials the number niall gave him that was harry's and waits till someone picked up.

"hello?" zayn heard a soft voice on the other line.

"harry?" zayn speaks into the phone.

"zaynie? h-how did you get my number?"

"niall gave it to me. uhm, can i ask you something?" zayn says seriously.

"yes zaynie." harry answers.

zayn swallows thickly and takes a second to ask, "uhm, i was wondering why we haven't spoken to each other?"

harry hesitates from the other line,
"i-i-i really don't know."

"did i do something? or say something that you didn't want to hear?"

harry gulps and to be very clear, he was kind of hurt that zayn was straight than what he was like at first. he sort of has a crush on zayn since they first met at the mini mart but he keeps it to himself and not mention it or make the others have an idea he does have a crush on zayn.

"no." harry replies.

"then? why aren't you talking to me mate?" zayn concerned. he taps his foot on the wooden floor waiting for harry to say something.

"I don't know, maybe because i've been busy I guess."

"oh, okay." zayn says softly.

"anyways, so what's up?"

"oh uhm." zayn says nervously.

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