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harry waited anxiously for zayn to knock on his door with his 6 other friends to take him to the theater, for he had been waiting to see the wizard of oz since the day it came out.

"harry, hun, aren't you gonna eat anything before you leave?" anne asked harry.

"no, mum. i'll just buy something at the theater." harry said as he stared at the door.

anne chuckled, "darling, looking at the door isn't going to make them come any faster."

"i really want to watch this movie, and you know this mommy!" harry said pouting at the fact that his own mom was laughing at his "misery".

"i know, they'll be here soon, don't fret." she smiled and walked back into the kitchen. "do you want some cherries while you wait?"

harry thought about it and shook his head making his curls bounce.

"not today, mommy." he replied and anne was shocked.

"that'd be the first." she said and there was a knock on the door and harry practically screamed.

"zaynie!" harry exclaimed but didn't see zayn, all his friends were there but not zayn.

"not zayn but better, it's louis! zayn said he'd meet up with us at the theatre." louis stated and harry frowned.

he did want to go see the movie but didn't want to go if zayn wasn't going to be there.

"mum! can i have those cherries?" harrys asked and anne nodded and took the small container out of the fridge.

"here ya go, hun. you all have fun, now. but not too much; ladies watch out for these fools and make sure they don't get into any trouble." anne said smiling seeing louis' reaction.

"what?! i am an angel." louis stated and they all laughed.

"bye, mommy." harry said and kissed her cheek.

"bye, anne!" they all said as the walked down the driveway.

harry silently ate his cold cherries as the rest all engaged in conversation.

after about 20 minutes of laughter and walking they got to the theatre and walked over to the concession stand.

"do you want anything hazz?" liam asked kindly putting his arm around harry's shoulder and harry smiled.

"no thanks, li." he replied and kissed his cheek, thinking nothing of the gesture.

liam bought his snacks and went back to sit with the rest of the gang.

at the moment, nothing was happening. people were talking to their friends waiting ready for movie to start.

"louis, you idiot your gonna end up being expelled from school." niall snickered.

"we're out of school, niall." louis said back.

"who's to say you won't do this during the school year?" niall said, talking about a few weeks ago when louis spray painted the principals car and filled the gas pipe with spaghetti.

"me." eleanor snapped. "i swear, if you get suspended lou, me and you are going to have words." eleanor threatened and lou laughed but saw the serious expression on her face.

"i'm an angel." he said with a cheeky smile and eleanor smiled kissing his cheek.

"why can't you be like harry? harry does nothing wrong. ever." eleanor added.

"cause i'm one of a kind." harry said smiling and louis scoffed.

"my names henry stiles and I love cherries and my boyfriend is the most amazing person eveerrrrrr." louis mocked and harry smacked his chest laughing.

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