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comment if you want song references to listen to while reading this book, i've been getting request to add playlists»

harry was on the floor, painting on a piece of hard post paper and popping cherries into his mouth as her hears to his favorite record , hey baby.

liam appears out his room and looks at harry. he gives a small knock and enters the room.

"hey harry." liam greets and takes off his shoes and drops his backpack down on the floor.

he drops to the ground and crawls to harry, plopping a kiss on the corner of his lip.

harry giggles and stops stroking the brush onto the paper.

"hey li. what brings you here on this fine day." harry asked curiously. he puts the brush into the cup filled with water that was mixed other paint he washed out earlier.

"can't i come and see you love? besides louis is out with zayn somewhere and niall went with greg to go fix a pipe at town hall."

harry hummed in response and dips his brush into the blue paint as he sings to the song that was playing on the player.

liam turns back and scoffs, "i don't understand why you like this song. you really have bad taste in music."

harry scoffs, "ugh! as if."

liam gets up from the wooden floor and makes his way forward to harry's record player. he looks through harry's rack full of records and spots a record that'll knock the both off their feet.

"now here's what i'm talking about." liam nods and bites his lip.

he takes out the record off the player and adds the one he chose.

harry waited for the tune to pop up till it finally came through his ears.

he looks up and grins widely.

"oh my god yes! The Twist By Chubby Checker!"

(A/N: if you don't know this song or dance, you're missing out! The song is attached to this chapter on top! check it out.)

"Yeh!" Liam says loud and claps. He walks up to harry and pulls him up.

                  Come on baby
Let's do the twist
        Come on baby
                     Let's do the twist
Take me by my little hand
And go like this

Ee-yah twist
            Baby, baby twist
   Ooh yeah, just like this
Come on little miss and do the twist!

Liam and harry twisted side to side as they grooved to the tune. they absolutely love this dance and song.

harry giggles at liam who was putting his tongue out and making a voice impression of chubby singing.

they continue to twist as the song was almost coming to an end. harry was adding more movement by using his arms to go up and down like he was running a marathon.

liam laughs at harry and copies the same movement.

the song was now done for and harry was tired out and drops dead on his bed. he breathes a bit heavily and smiles to himself.

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