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The sun glistened over the town of Utah, boiling the people and making them sweat buckets.

one hundred and one degrees, and yet it seemed like it was nine hundred degrees.

the gang was at the usual location, the baseball court.

harry, kendall, cara, eleanor, and zayn were sitting and laying on the metal stair case, wiping the sweat off their foreheads and breathing heavily.

zayn looked to his left, seeing harry who wore a his shorts and a shirt that was lifted a bit up, revealing lots of skin of his stomach that sweated quite a lot.

"it's so hot!" cara pouts.

"oh shut it cara, i'm so tired of hearing everyone right now and all i wanna do is just survive this heat." kendall says to cara and wipes her sweaty palms on her shorts.

it got quiet then, but as for harry, he turns to zayn and licked his dry lips. "hey zayn,"

"yeah harry?" zayn spoke up.

"do you have any water left in that can of yours?" harry asked between breaths.

"all out. sorry dude." zayn says.

"dang it." harry says under his breath.

in a couple of minutes later, liam, louis, and niall came with a tank filled with water and a pack of creme to eat.

"we got the stuff guys!" niall shouts and raises a popsicle up in the air.

kendall looks up and pulls back down. "thank god." she murmurs.

cara and harry get up from where they were laying and head towards the tank of water before grabbing a cup from louis hold. they drunk the cold water water quickly and breathed out of bliss.

"this is really good." cara says to harry.

"heck yeah." harry replies.

"harry could you pour me some." zayn pleaded and holds out his cup.

"of course zaynie." harry says and grabs the cup out of zayn's hand and pours a good amount of water for him.

"here." harry assures. zayn yanks it out of harry's hand, spilling a bit of water but zayn didn't care right now since he was very thirsty for even a drop of water. he puts the cup between his lips and drinks the rest of the water.

"dang zayn." harry scoffs and tangles his hand into his own hair. zayn drops the cup and groans in pleasure.

"sorry harry, i'm just really, thirsty." hey says between breaths.

"s'okay zaynie — would you like some more?" harry offered.

zayn puts his hand on his knees and bents a bit down. he looks up at harry and nods tiredly. harry didn't say no more and grabs a fresh cup out of louis hold and pours water into it before passing it to zayn.

Small chapter, i'm sorry.

but really, you guys haven't gave me any ideas on what to write about. I might as well just speed up and end this book in the next chapter, sorry guys /:

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