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Just wanted to say thank you 14k viewers and 1k+ votes, i love you all.

harry walks aside zayn while they hold hands and take small licks of their ice-cream.

"thanks for the treat zaynie. I really needed this." harry exclaims.

"anything for you my sugar plum." zayn cooed.

they burst out giggling happy as they walk down the street on the way to eleanor's house where the gang was.

along the way, a girl was walking towards them. she was beautiful, rather dashing and zayn took a hard look at her.

mesmerized at her looks. she was the only person zayn had eyes on and harry noticed but he didn't say anything.

she was now close and looked back at zayn. his ice cream started to drip on his hand and he didn't even notice since he was paying attention to her.

she walks past him and smirks.

he cocks his head back to look at her.

instead, he lowered his eyes and stared hungrily at her bum. how it swayed in those small shorts.

he couldn't stop staring till he tripped and catches himself.

"woah." he breathes out.

as they continued to walk, he turns his head back to harry who had his head down and staring at his shoe laces that weren't tied.

"hey baby?" zayn says to harry.

harry didn't seem to answer since he was A little heart broken at what he's seen.

his boyfriend on another girl.

"baby?" zayn repeated.

zayn stops the both of them from walking as he crouches down to see harry. only to see that his lip quivers but his eyes were still pearled.

"harry?" zayn says. "are you okay, talk to me baby." zayn licks his dry bottom lip as he tries to get a response from harry.

zayn looks down and sees his shoe laces untied. "let me tie your shoes." zayn told harry to hold his ice cream as he tied his two laces together.

"there you go." zayn says.

harry's face grew pink and zayn catches that. he pursed his lips and a tear escaped from his eye.

angrily, harry crushed the two ice cream cones on zayn's head and ran the other way to go to his house instead of eleanor's.

zayn slowly swiped the milky substance from his raven hair and wiggles the cones off.

"dang." he mutters. he gets back on his two feet and started to run to harry.

"harry wait!" zayn shouts.

since harry was short and zayn was taller, zayn had start to catch up to harry.

"get away from me!" harry shouts.

harry grew tired and his house was about two more blocks, instead he goes left and runs into the baseball court territory.

along the way, zayn passed a car that almost hit him, he passes a woman who sold oranges and a man who passes newspaper.

zayn knew where harry was going but he stops himself and tries to thinks out what he should do. why is harry mad in the first place? he questions.

he huffs out a breath and swipes his hand on his sweaty forehead.
↠ ↠

harry sits on the baseball balcony, alone.

he brought his legs up to his chest as he rested his head on his knees.

he stopped crying a while ago but the image of zayn looking at another girl had ran through his mind like rerun of a film.

he hears footsteps that grew louder each time it came closer.


"leave me alone, please." harry's voice cracked.

zayn sat next to harry, trying to tangle his fingers with his but harry slaps his hand away.

"let me be please." harry declares.

zayn hitched a breathe, "babe, what's wrong. talk to me baby."

"I wanna know what's wrong." zayn added.

"oh, so now you wanna know what's wrong with me after you basically drooled over that girl and broke your neck trying to stare at her ass!" harry spoke a little attitude escaping–one that has never seen the light of day.

zayn huffs out a breathe, so this is what this is about.

"harry, babe. i'm so sorry, it won't happen again. just that she- uhm-- uhm she kinda looked, familiar?" he lies.

"oh, whatever." harry murmurs and get up to walk inside but zayn was quick to intervene.

"babe, please–" zayn tries to stop harry.

harry continues to walk away. he starts to increase his pace then.

zayn runs to him and stops him by getting in the way. he grabs at harry's hand and puts it up to his chest.

"babe listen." zayn says.

harry looks up at him with wary eyes. he sighs, "what zayn?"

zayn leans closer, resting his forehead with harry's. "harry, you know you're the only one for me. please understand what I did back there was a minor mistake."

harry opened his mouth to protest but zayn puts a finger to his lip. "let me talk." zayn commands.

he continues. "i know you mist think now, wow minor? but honestly i really am sorry. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me."

harry glanced at the taller boy, falling into his words as they penetrated through his heart.

"yes, zaynie. i forgive you." and with that, he puts his arms around zayn for a big hug of forgiveness.

zayn closed his eyes and smiled widely in harry's neck.

oh how much he'll regret to ever lose harry.

harry was only meant for him.

and he meant so much to harry.

he pulls out of neck, only to plant a kiss on his forehead.


Hey guys, it's me. Ary! yeah i'm back. But just giving you guys a big heads up. I am finishing this book soon so yeah!

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