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before you read : i don't know if you seen this snack before but it was very popular during the 1960's till 2005. but the thing is that they used to be in boxes and have a little prize in them, say like a ring or small toy you find in those 25¢ toy machines.

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a few hours then when the sun started to set on the horizons of the town, the gang have rounded up four logs for seats, and a couple of wood chunks to burn for a spectacular bon fire.

zayn guessed why they rounded up four logs.

one for louis and eleanor.

one for liam and cara.

one for niall and kendall.

and one for him and harry, he didn't mind though. that way he can get to know harry more.

niall brought his fireworks like he said he would, liam brought marshmellows and plenty of twigs to stick them on. louis brought a container filled with pepsi cola, also he mentioned he snuck in tobacco to chew on.

zayn, well ... he brought himself.

and a pack of cracker jack's.

harry came around five minutes later with skinny blue jeans, a maroon shirt and his black combat boots which zayn highly admired about his outfit.

"hi guys!" harry says with such delight. tipi-toeing to kiss niall, liam, and louis.

once he came to zayn, he blushes and looks lost. he gives a small wave and says hi.

zayn nods and mentally fights with the options if he should kiss him or rather not.

once he finally picked a choice, he finds out he was too late because harry has gone away.

the girls came around as well, greeting one another and stay with their boyfriends.

they now were sitting in their separate logs as pairs and had their own conversations, leaving harry and zayn just staring at the fire dance.

they now were sitting in their separate logs as pairs and had their own conversations, leaving harry and zayn just staring at the fire dance

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zayn looks up at harry, studying his figure as he stared at the fire. harry licked his dry lips and sighs. he thought this would be fun, but now he thinks more of the less of tonight.

harry turns his head a bit, stealing a glance at zayn as he caught zayn looking at him. harry blushed, but kept quiet.

zayn swallows thickly, wondering if he should start a conversation or not.

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