February 13th

194 5 2

--Jared's P.O.V--
I was sitting at my desk in Ela sort of daydreaming.
Ela wasn't my favorite subject.
All of a sudden I saw a note land on my desk.
"To Jared: Will you be my valentine? -Emily" what the hell.
I didn't even know who this Emily was.
Plus I liked Danielys. Oh wait...I like Danielys. Oh no. But she hates me.
I realized I was staring into space and my teacher had called on me.
"Jared do you have an answer?" She asked me.
"Can you please repeat the question?" I sounded stupid oh lord help me.
"What do we include in an argument essay?"
Oh shit. I don't know. A fucking argument??
"Yes thank you. Anyone else? Emily."
I looked around for this girl Emily.
I saw her start talking and I knew she saw me staring. Apparently, Emily sat next to Aaron and Danielys.
After she caught me staring she smiled at me.
I didn't like her ugh.
I looked over at Danielys and she looked so concentrated into the lesson. She looked adorable.
--Aaron's P.O.V--
"Pass this down" Danielys said over my shoulder.
I saw a faint writing saying "To Jared" and I had to open it.
"What are you doing? That's not for you you idiot. It's for Jared!" Danielys told me.
I ignored her and opened it as quietly as I could.
"Will you be my valentine? -Emily" ugh that whore Emily. I never liked her. And Jared wouldn't like her either.
"Keep passing it down Aaron!" Danielys seemed to be getting mad. I was too.
"Don't tell me you don't want to? Aaron he's not yours. Give it to him so he can make a decision."
She had a point. I passed it to the next person and I saw it go down all the way to Jared.
I couldn't see the expression on his face since I sat behind him.
I saw him write something down. I was hoping and praying that he would've checked no.
He passed it back and around the note went.
This time I didn't have the chance to open it as Danielys snatched it out of my hands before I could open it.
Before the note arrived to Emily the bell rang and we all exited.
God I wish I knew what Jared had written down. I really hoped he had said no.

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