One fucked up morning

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--Aaron's P.O.V--
I walked to school in a bad mood. I was late since it was past 7:50 and I was rushing for no reason. There was no reason to but my mom made me. I took a short cut through a park. I had my headphones in and was thinking about how I would have to see Danielys and Jared again.
We had just come back from spring break and they were all over each other.
I just sat back and used my phone since I had no other friends and couldn't do anything else.
I walked through the park and looked around my surroundings.
Parks calmed me down and put me in better moods which made me happy.
But as I was walking by the park I noticed a girl on the bench crying.
And for some reason she seemed familiar.
I tried to get closer without looking like a creep and I realized it was Leslye. She was...crying.
"Leslye?" I approached her with caution. Girls are sometimes hard to handle. Danielys had showed me that.
"Go away." She demanded.
"It's Aaron what's wrong?" I sat down next to her and tried sounding calm.
"Oh Aaron please don't tell Jared you saw me crying in the park and skipping school. Please please please!" She said with tears rolling down her face.
"Leslye," I grabbed her hands, " I'm not telling anything to anyone without your permission. Now,,,,, tell me what's wrong."
She tried wiping away her tears and began to speak through her sobs.
"I--I broke up with m--my boy--fr--friend" she whispered.
"Leslye I'm so sorry but hey please don't cry over a boy. He's not worth it. I bet you'll get over him. Maybe not so quick... I mean it'll take time but you will get over him." I smiled.
She smiled back. "thanks Aaron that really helped" she said smiling back.
"Now cmon were late and I can't leave you all alone here or I'll feel bad so let's go get up." I grabbed her bag and extended my hand for her.
"Hey thanks Aaron." She said while getting up.
"Don't worry it's no problem."
"No I'm serious thank you so much I've gotten into really bad depression but you helped me out today"
She stood on her tippy toes and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
All I could think was "Leslye...I'm bi...but I don't like is wrong with're the sister of my crush...this isn't correct...I don't like don't do that"
"That didn't mean anything I just wanted to thank you" she said right after.
"Oh no it's all good" I tried to say. It didn't come out perfect but it came out.
We walked to school and I dropped her off at her class just to make sure she wouldn't skip class.
I hugged her before she left and told her, "I know I'm quoting the friends theme song but "I'll be there for you""
She giggled and said, "thanks Aaron. Really thank you." And then she walked into her class.

--Authors note--
Hey so I'm sorry I forgot to update. I haven't been on wattpad in a while so I forgot to update but hey I'm back on track now so yay I guess. Sorry for taking long with this story it sucks so far but it'll get better. Okay byee :)

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