Epilogue. You, Me, and the Batcave

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It wasn't just another motel. When I had been gently shaken awake, it was day time and I found us stopped outside the grand glass lobby doors of a really nice hotel. Our bags were taken by a bellhop, and the car taken by a valet. I never caught the name of the place as Gerard got us a room and as we were led to it, but the place was huge and ritzy and nice as fuck. And our room, our room... I was sure it was three times the size of my old apartment. It had a small kitchen area, an expansive, luxurious living quarters with a big screen tv, a equally luxurious master bedroom, and this huge bathroom with a built in jacuzzi tub. There I was in ripped jeans and a ratty t-shirt. I felt so out of place being somewhere so upscale, but I wasn't about to complain.

Gerard was busy tipping the bellhop, and I strolled over to the large French doors that led out to a balcony that overlooked an impressive view of the ocean. I went on outside and lightly gripped onto the white railing as I gazed out at the view. The sand of the beach looked white and pristine and the water sparkling. I may have felt out of place right now, but I could definitely get used to staying at places like this. It wasn't long before I felt the presence of someone else beside me, and I looked over to see Gerard leaning against the rail, admiring the view as well.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter," Gerard shrugged, still looking out over the water. "Just that we're here, and it's perfect. I thought after such a successful time together we could treat ourselves to a little vacation."

"Do we deserve a vacation?"

"Aw, now don't tell me you feel guilty about the money," Gerard was looking at me now and sighed.

"No," I let out a short chuckle at my answer. "I probably should, but I don't. But about the cop..." my voice quietly trailed off.

"Frankie," Gerard sighed again, slinging an arm over my shoulders and leading me back inside. "Why worry yourself over some random man you didn't even know. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sucks to be him." He pulled me down to sit with him on the large soft plush tan sofa in the room. "You did what you had to do. And no amount of feeling bad or sorry is going to change anything. What's in the past is in the past, and what's dead is dead. So my advice to you, sugar, is try not to worry about it, and just try to forget."

"It's not even about feeling guilty," I admitted, looking down at my fidgeting hands in my lap. "I mean, I do feel guilty I guess. I'm the reason he's dead, but... at the same time I kinda don't care? I killed someone and most of me doesn't care. That's what's fucking me up. I know I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant being able to get away with you."

"Sounds to me like you just need to bury the part that does care, and you'll be good as gold. You saved me, sugar. How about you just try to think of it that way?"

"I'll try." We were both quiet for a while, but then I decided to tell him something I never told anyone before. "You wanna know what my biggest fear was?" I kept my eyes glued to my lap as a spoke. "Don't make fun of me, 'cause I already know it's really stupid. I was insanely afraid of being captured and murdered by some kind of crazy killer. I guess I was captured by one, but who would have thought I'd end up a killer instead." I chuckled at myself. I really was crazy but far beyond the point of caring.

Gerard ruffled my hair, a chuckle of his own leaving his lips. "Well, aren't we peas in a pod then. You know, killing is never a planned part of the end game. It's just, sometimes things happen and it can't be helped."

"How many people have you killed?" I looked to him and asked.

"Does it matter?" he questioned back without missing a beat.

The truthful answer and the disturbing answer were one in the same: it didn't matter to me. It probably should have, but it didn't. He could have told me it had only been that mugger in the alley or said it was over a hundred, and I wouldn't have cared. Gerard wasn't someone I was scared of anymore. He wouldn't hurt me. I trusted him, and I know he trusted me.

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