Chapter 24

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"I'm going." He exclaimed.

"Ben.... I don't think it's a good idea someone needs to stay back and guide the pack." I said calmly.

"Trevor is staying behind." Ben said defiantly." Plus someone needs to protect you." I heard Luke cough. I threw my hands in the air.

"I don't need protection. Plus I have Andrew, Luke,  and Alex." I stated frustrated at how long this is holding us up.

"Your taking four people against a whole pack? And you won't take just one more?" He begged.

"Kyle is staying behind too and you got lots of fighters here." Luke whispered.

"Plus Angel is great with the kids and Mia is a descent cook." Alex put in.

"Fine get in the van." I glared at the two traitors.

"Victoria do you think that's wise?" Andrew said nervously.

"Absolutely not but if he wants to die then so be it." I said angrily as I walked into the van. The same van I lost my best friend in. I looked back to see Eli chasing after us.

"He passed the test....." Andrew said before I could disagree.

"What was the test?" I asked curiously.

"He had to figure out a puzzle to figure out what time and where from we were leaving. Then escape the cabin I locked him up in. He's obviously smart." Andrew said in aww.

"Anyone else join in?" He nodded so I sighed. "Stop the van! Let the boy in." Ben parked to the side and Eli climbed in and glared at us.

"You were going to get my dead brother with out me?" He huffed

"I was going to do lots of things with out you." I stated honestly. He didn't seem to appreciate it.

"Well are we moving or what?" It was apparently or what cause our engine decided to take that moment to start smoking. I threw my hands in the air.  "That's it" I grabbed an over night bag in the back and some cash. I walked out with Eli hot on my heels and shifted. We raced through the night. 'Let me know when you guys catch up' I sent Andrew.

'Will do we should be running in the next hour. I'll let Ben drive he looks angry.' I shut the link and ran as fast as I could without losing Eli.

'Eli keep up or go back with the guys' I exclaimed.

'No I'm your bodyguard. I'm not leaving you, Mikey wouldn't' I looked back to see him pushing with all his might. I slowed down to run even with me.

'Fine.' My wolf grabbed him by the nap of his neck. His wolf automatically surrendered.

'Tor Tor put me down.' My wolf held on tighter.

'Nah I think my wolf thinks your her cub now' I joked and urged my wolf to run faster. He eventually stopped complaining once we got out of our territory. I had to slow in the no mans land. Rogues like to live here to jump pack members either for what they have on them or for the fun. I kept my ears alert and kept my power as hidden as possible. More likely to under estimate me that way. I set Eli down and urged him to be quiet. Of course that somehow translated to let's stop around in the woods and attract attention to ourselves.

Snap. I paused and tilted my head listening. Snap. Snap. Eli was already ahead of me. It got really quiet all of a sudden and I waited for any sign of movement. The I heard Eli yelp, I didn't run to him though. I waited. I counted to ten then heard it. the sound of paws slowly walking towards Eli.

I waited slowing my breathe to a still like I was trained. The rogue came out with his patchy fur, looking more like a giant coyote then a wolf. I got down low and slowly crawled towards the rogue. The rogue looked around but over looked my black fur in the shadows.  He circled around where Eli must of fallen into a hole. Eli let a whimper. Once satisfied he was a lone he shifted and let out a whistle. The shewolves came out from the same place he had. "Looks like it's out lucky day ladies." He chuckled. The women shifted.

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