Chapter 11

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" Wake up Tori." There was a bang on the door.

"GO AWAY!"I snuggled deeper into my pillow. I heard some noise on the other side of the door.

"She still isn't up?" Mikey asked. "Victoria Silver get your skinny ass up or I'm breaking down this door." I groaned. Then I heard a growl underneath me. "Whoops I'm out of here. Angel I wouldn't go in there." I heard retreating footsteps. 

"Why not?!" She called before swinging open the door. She screamed making me fall out of bed. 

"I'm up!" I yelled frazzled to notice I was naked and had a naked Ben still on the bed.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I heard followed by the door slamming. I wrapped one of the fallen sheets around me and stood up. Running to my walk in closet. I pulled out a pair of guy shorts and tossed them to Ben who followed me in laughing.

"Slow down Victoria." I shook my head as I reached into a drawer and grabbed a bra and underwear. "You know what I just realized?"

"Hmm?" I yanked a shirt over my head and started working on finding a pair of jeans.

"You will be going into heat soon." I shook my head and filed that thought for later as I dropped the sheet to slid my pants on. But I stopped when he let out a gasp. My head shot up looking for an attacker. He fell to his knees in front of me. "I did that" I had know idea what he was talking about til I looked down at him and saw black and blue bruise on my thighs. I hadn't even noticed them before now. He reached out and touched them and I let out a hiss of pain. "I'm so sorry Victoria. I shouldn't have let things get as far as they did last night."

I stiffened. He regretted it? The best night of my life. My first time and he regrets having me. I felt like I was about to cry but didn't even know if it was possible anymore. I yanked away from him pulled the pants on and took off out my door. I didn't stop when Mikey hollered at me or when I shoved Trevor into a wall. I just hopped into my car and drove. After awhile I headed to school.

When I reached the parking lot the whole gang was waiting for me. I hopped out and ignored them all. When the bell rang for class I waited til almost all the seats were taken before sitting in the back corner away from everyone. Clare and Mikey kept looking back at me frowning. They've never seen me like this. I haven't felt like this since I lost my parents.

All of my classes went like that. I sat in the back staring off in space they would talk to me and I'd walk off. At lunch I went to our weight room and punched the punching bag til the silver chain snapped. Ben never tried talking to me which I was grateful for.After school I saw everyone around my car in the parking lot so I ran the other way. I had looked back and sighed in relief when I ran into someone. On instinct I grabbed there arm twisted it and flipped them on their back. 

"Fuck Tori if you wanted me on my back youjust had to say so." Luke groaned rubbing his head.

"Sorry Luke. You startled me." I looked away.

"And she speaks!" He jumped in excitement making me laugh. "Seriously though are you okay?" I'm not sure if it was because I needed someone to talk to or because I was shocked at Luke being so serious but I admitted to him that I wasn't. He wrapped his arms around me and held me stroking my hair. "You want to talk about it?"

"I don't think it's something we should talk about." I said honestly.

"What's it about?" 

"Sex." He pushed me so he could look at me.

"That is like my favorite topic. Now you have to tell me." And so I did and as I did I couldn't help but think Luke is better then we give him credit for. And when I finished he bust out laughing.

"It's not funny."

"It really is. You guys have communication issues." I frowned and went to leave but he pulled me back to him. "Tori if you were bad you wouldn't of gone three times sweetheart. He probably wouldn't of made it through one mattering how bad. By the sounds of things he regrets hurting you." He pushed my hair back from my face. " He doesn't regret having you. If you don't believe me go talk to him yourself and if your wrong you can come back to me and have your wicked way with me." I punched his arm and stood up. I gave him a hug surprising him and went to go find Ben. Then I stopped and turned around.

"Oh and Luke."I got interrupted.

"Don't tell anyone I got it." He said sadly.

"No though I do hope you'd hold your tounge on most of it. I wanted to say thanks and let you know I know we don't give you enough credit most of the time but I really do feel like we are close Luke." He smiled and I took off this time.

I thought of all the places he could be. I ran to the creek,the pack house, the field he took me to the other night, and even tried looking in general places people would go to. I soon realized I didn't know anything about him. I almost gave up then I remembered the tree house. He was the only other person who knew about it.

I was half way there when the news started to filter in. After that the alarms went off. I ran to the pack house. The pack must come first. I kept repeating myself. 

'Where are they entering from?' I called out and got a few responses telling me from the south. 'Everyone evacuate I am on my way. All fighters do not let them through we have to protect our children. Do not leave your posts this can be set as a distraction."Seconds later the north was being attacked ' Mikey head north. Trevor your heading east. Clare Angel guide all who come to rooms and safety if you see Ben he'll know where to send them until then you girls are in charge in the center.'

'Yes Alpha!' As soon as I reached the southern line they saw me and started retreating.

'Northern is retreating.'

'West had no attack.' 

'Southern has retreated too. Is there any dead or wounded?'

'No' They both confirmed 

'Alpha!" A girl shouted to me through the link.

'Who is this?'

'It's Roxy. You told me to protect Ben.' I started to remember her. 'He was attacked.' My heart stopped and I found myself flying back. 

'Where is he? Is he injured?'

'We are in a cage I don't know whre to but it's silver. He isn't injured. I took the hit for him.' I was hysterical about the news laughing and wanting to cry.

'Seal all borders no one is allowed in or out we have a kidnapping in progress. All vehicles must be searched.' I sent out using my Alpha. Then updated Mikey. 'Roxy where are you? Where were you? And can you give me something to help find you?'

'I think we are on a boat. We were near Long Beach. I can't see anything but it smells like fish. Alpha I'm scared.'

'I'll find you Roxy just hang in there.'

'Is everyone else ok?'

'Yes. We are all ok.'

'I'm sorry I failed you again '

'You didn't fail me. I failed you. You protected my mate and I failed you. I will make it up to you Roxy.' 

'It was an honor being able to serve you Alpha.' And with that she faded out meaning she was dead or passed out. I was hoping for the later. As my feet hit the sand I saw a big barge ship sailing south to sea. I shifted and my wolf howled in pure pain at her lost.

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