Chapter 19

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I heard a twig snap, my head snapped towards the sound. "You hear that?" I whispered. He nuzzled my neck.

"Hear what?" Another snap. I pulled away from him shaking. 

"Ben. Someones out there." I looked where I heard the sound. He looked at me curiously.

" Victoria.... Are you ok?" He press his hand on my forehead. I wrapped my arms around my body and shook my head.

"No. I'm .... scared. After getting kidnapped....." I looked down letting the tears fall. I could feel every bruise on my arm, every whiplash on my back, and every other mark they made on my body as if it was happening all over again. " I barely got through it the first time, Ben, what if they take me again?" He yanked my hand that I had been rubbing. The one they had hammered a silver stake through.

"I'll go check it out ok?" I nodded." Just stay here." He pecked my forehead and turned away. I had a sad smile on my face as I slowly backed away from him.


"You hear that?" She whispered. I nuzzled her neck trying to comfort her.

"Hear what?" I said against her soft skin. She pulled away from me shaking.  Seeing the fear on her face I was instantly alert.

"Ben. Someones out there." She was whipping her head around looking for the unknown source. I watched her listening, Trying to hear what she hears. Crickets chirping. Leaves rustling in the wind. Nothing abnormal.....

" Victoria.... Are you ok?" I press my  hand on my mates forehead starting to get worried.

"No. I'm .... scared. After getting kidnapped....." She looked at the ground as the tears started to fall. " I barely got through it the first time, Ben, what if they take me again?" I took her hand and tilted her head so I can look into her scared eyes. I've never seen her so scared not that I could blame her.

"I'll go check it out ok?" Trying to reassure her." Just stay here." I pecked her forehead and turned away starting to get a dreadful feeling. After looking around for abit and coming up empty I tread back to my mate. I let out a painfilled howl at what I find. Or better yet what I hadn't found. She's gone again. Unwillingly I feel my wolf taking over angry and I willingly let him shift.  I open up the links as my wolf tries and fails to find her scent.  'Andrew!' Nothing. 'Trevor!' Still nothing. I let out a painfilled howl as I  finally hear it. Paws hitting the ground running.


POV Victoria

I joined the group and watched as my mate looked for her captures. Clare and Angel tapped her laughing. "Oh god did you see Kyle" He looks so confused Angel said

"What about Mark?" Clare said "My mate is so sexy. All ready to protect my." She giggled.

None of this mattered as I watched Ben. I can feel his pull and his anger, fear, sorrow, and something else. That's when I realized our mistake. "Angel....."

"Yes Alpha?"

"I can't send out a pull" I said starting to panic. Our tradition is a series of trials to show off our mate; however, they rely on the female to send out a pull. Normally a female can send one out when she's endanger or in this case if she's alive and the male believes she's endanger. I never sent one but considering I can feel his and men aren't suppose to be able to. Oh god. Alpha Phillips came to stand next to me.

"Don't worry Alpha Silver, I sent a few men to bring him this way for you." His confidence made me smile. Then it started. Kyle, Mark, Alex and the other males not knowing they are being tested took off determined. Ben hackled up and crouched low. Alpha Phillips Men got closer trying to bait him towards us, but Ben has Alpha bloodlines and is a Luna. He catch one easily and threw him against a tree. The target crumpled to the base of the tree. The second ran catching on that this was going badly. Ben was faster, faster then any wolf I've seen yet. Before he could tear his preys throat out I reached out.

'Ben stop please stop.' I begged. He paused and lifted his head looking for me. When he didn't see me he shook his head and growled. 'Luna this is a test. Follow him' The distraction was enough. The wolf pulled out and ran for his life. My mate followed slowly but just as determined as before.

The others got to the first trial and were stuck. The barrier, we all set up different ones. Clare set up a pit that Mark fell down and was struggling with.  Luke not having the time we did had fallen trees. I had a silver chain fence. The women in our pack have from the age ten to set up our trials. There are so many now that at this point our run into past obstacles. Ben pasted the obstacles no problem. After an hour of unending grueling trials Ben was the first to reach us followed by Mark.

I could feel the anger radiating off of my mate, but I couldn't help the pride I felt for our Luna. I pushed through the cheering crowd of the two packs. He saw me and pulled me angrily to him.

He nuzzled hes nose into my hair 'Are you okay?'

'Of course. I'm so proud of you. You did so well Ben.' I sent through the link. He glared at me then walked away. "BEN!" I called after him but he got engulfed in the crowd. Clare ran past me and jumped into her mates arms. He was so glad to see her he kissed her passionately infront of everyone.

As I stood alone Luna Phillips walked up to me "So Alpha Silver. What's the next part of the tradition?"

I smiled. "Well Luna Phillips, A party of course."

She jumped up happily clapping her hands. When Kyle showed up last, I went over to Luke to congratulate them. I "coughed, when they ignored me to keep making out. Kyle growled causing Luke to pull away and laugh. "Hey Tori, why is your gorgeous ass over here and not dry humping our Luna?" I shrugged

"I just wanted to tell you that it was about time Kyle got here so I can chase my mate down." I laughed at Kyles glare.

"I'd like to see you run that course Victoria." Kyle glared.

"Oh she's trained on those courses." Luke laughed. I wavered them off as Luke was trying to comfort Kyle telling him how great he did.

'Andrew I'm going up stairs when everyone's settled tell them to go clean up and then meet us out for the party.' I sent and looked up to see him nod before focusing back on the conversation he was currently in.

I ran upstairs following the pull of my mate. When I reached the hallway to our room a growl escaped my lips.

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