Chapter 1: Let Live

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As I sat in my chair, staring blankly from the professor up front to the notebook in front of me, I couldn't help but let the sound of rain drown out the noise of the classroom and the constant babbling from Mr. Howards. I suddenly remembered that my mother used to tell me that no one in this world could come up to what I already am. That no one can take my place in this world, because I am that unique and different from the rest. I used to believe him, until I started to grow up. And that's when I realize that what he said was lie, that there were other people far better than me. I tried so hard to excel in what he believed to be my element, but every time I do so, I failed miserably. I was on the verge of giving up, until I became friends with them.

"Heeeeey! Wanna grab lunch with the band?" He chirped from behind. This class was boring me to death.

"I really, really, REALLY have to pass my write up for the school paper. I can't miss another deadline. Maybe another time." I said a bit too harshly.

"Well geez, Michael, all you had to say was 'yes' or 'no'."

"Sorry. I'm still stressed out about the last time I missed it."

"No. I'm sorry. Sorry for bothering you."

"Are you mad?" Please say no.

"Nah. It's just that this is the fifth time I asked you this week to join us and you've always declined." He explained with his head down.

"I'm sorry, Calum. I really am."

"Come on now! Don't be sorry. "

I couldn't help but feel bad about turning him down.

"How about this, tonight, you, me, and the whole gang can have dinner in the apartment. You up for that?"

"No shit! That'd be great!" His brown orbs brightened.

"Good. Now please don't be mad at me."

"Me? Mad? At you? Hell no!"

And we giggled in happiness. 


Hello friends! I'm back with a new story! 

not really I wrote this a long time ago 

so in a nutshell, it's a malum story with a lot of other elements interfering with them 

so again please vote and comment and share with your friends <3 

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