Chapter Five: My Oh My, Luke (Part One)

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I grabbed my purse once again and strutted out the door. Once I got to the supermarket, I threw everything I needed for tonight's dinner, even getting a few bottles of beer just for the fun of it, I look 24 anyway. As I checked out, my phone buzzed in my purse. It was a text from Niall.

"Can't wait for tonight! Stoked to see you again. Gotta admit, I kinda missed you, kiddo."

"Haha. Missed you too, Niall. You better have prepared a song for tonight!" I pressed send and stared at my screen until he replied back.

"How does 'Someone, Somewhere' by AA sounds?"


He didn't reply anymore, to which I assume he was assuming that I was already squealing in excitement. That song was perhaps, one of my favorites, and having Niall play it for me is even better.

As I got home, I quickly tossed my keys and purse at the couch and hurriedly walked to the kitchen to prepare the menu for tonight; Fettuccini and salad for Harry, while fried chicken and mash potato for the guys. From a stranger's point of view, they would think I know what I'm doing, but if Luke was here, he'd knew from the second I hold the pan, I was bound to do something wrong. He knew me that well. You'd ask, how? Well, to be honest, I've only met the gang this college. I knew none of them from our previous lives. We all just stumbled together during our freshmen year, the first semester. We were all in the same block, and it all blossomed from there.

Luke and I sat together quite a lot, so we talked a lot more than we did with the rest. He would always accompany me during lunch by the cafeteria. He was a pretty nice friend all in all. Calum, on the other hand, acknowledged my existence, but didn't really put a lot of effort into really getting to know me until the last quarter of the second semester of our freshmen year. Now I know that sounds a bit harsh, seeing as he only started to actually acknowledge me very lately, but it doesn't matter anyway. I mean, the whole love thing didn't start that quick.

We were paired for a project, and it kinda skyrocketed from there. We became closer and closer as each day passes, until it was there. It wasn't like it was just there overnight, it grew and grew and grew until it just became like that. We knew it was there, we just never talked about it before. As much as I wanted to pursue a relationship with him, there was always this voice in the back of my mind that says it's a bad idea and this will just lead to mayhem, something I don't want to happen at all. But I know he wants it too, just not sure how to. God, Michael, you shouldn't even be thinking about that at a time like this!

And just like on cue, my phone rang.

I placed the wooden spoon on the cover and quickly dried my hands. I rushed to the living area and quickly grabbed my phone. It read Luke Hemmings, with the goofy picture we took on their first band practice on the screen. I pressed the green button and held it by my ear.

"Yeah, Luke?" I chirped.

"I'm assuming you need help. I'm in the elevator already."

"Me? In need of help? Nah, dude!"

"You and I know so well how horrible you are at the kitchen!" I heard the elevator ding on the other line, assuming he's on my floor already. Damn that boy and his psychic instincts.

"Fine." I moaned through gritted teeth.

"Cool. Now open your door." Just as he finished his sentence, there was a knock on the door.

"You're a dick sometimes, you know that?" I said and then proceeded to open the door.

"Yeah, but I'm the dick that saves your ass whenever you can't handle things!"

I cut the line and we both erupted in laughter. We then walked back to the kitchen only to see that the pot was violently rumbling.

"And you have the guts to call me a dick? What if I wasn't here? You'd have started a fire by now!"

"Y'know, I wouldn't have left that if you hadn't called." I defended as I folded my arms.

"Alright, alright, you win."

"Only because you always let me win!"

"Do you want me to play fair to you?"

"No. I'd surely lose." I huffed sarcastically.

"Good. Now clean up this mess."


And within a moment, we were both caught in up in whatever we were doing. I was busy with the mash potato and he was boiling water for the pasta. We do this all the time; moreover, we tend to work together majority of the time, until the whole Calum thing happened. Once we were ¾ done with everything, I group texted everyone telling them that they can come over already.

"Finished texting the gang."

"Good, now we can start fixing the table."

"Sure. Let me just get the table cloth in the closet."

"You do that."

I made my way to the closet, grabbed the table cloth and went back to the kitchen faster than you could say "Lad."

"You were quick."

"Ninja skills, my friend. Ninja skills."

"If you weren't smart, I'd believe that."

I immediately slapped his arm. He, on the other hand, knew I was a bit hurt by his harsh comeback.

"Okay, a bit too far. But no. You just can't have it. I don't see it."

"What will it take to you believe that I'm a ninja?"

"Prove it."

"Maybe I will!"

Let's see what you can do, Clifford!"

I placed the table cloth on the dining table and proceeded to tackle him to the ground.

"God, Michael! You're so heavy!"

"I'll have you know I only weigh a hundred and twenty pounds!"

"I'll have you know that I'm heavier than you." And so he rolled over so now he was on top on me.

"Like I said, you have no ninja skills, Clifford."

"I so do!"

We both stared intently into one another's eyes, just waiting for someone to make a move.

"Yeah?" He finally said something. Hell yes.

"Okay fine! I don't! Now please get off of me, you're crushing my rib cage!"

"Oh, sorry!" And he quickly got off me. He then offered me his hand, to which I gladly accepted and hoisted myself up. "Told ya you have no ninja skills!"

"Don't rub it in, Robert."

"I'm not." He said with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips.

He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me in for a hug. Luke was a lot taller than I was. He was six feet four. I was six feet three (not much actually), thus resulting in him resting his chin on my head. He then kissed my forehead like he always does, as a sign of reassurance.

"Did you meet your deadline today, though?" His voice was a lot calmer than earlier.

"Yeah. I was five minutes early." Still engulfed in Luke's arms.

"Really? That's great!"He sounded so happy and proud.

"Yeah, finally a deadline I didn't miss!"

"See? I told you those early nights in would pay off!"

"True. I actually had a lot of time to think about in the morning."

He didn't respond, instead, he just kissed my forehead.

"Michael?" His voice shaky and on the verge of crying.

One thing I hate about Luke though is that he tends to forget to lock the door. 



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