Chapter Three.

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Demon was sitting outside the motel waiting and watching for Lacy to run, he knew she would. Knew she didn't have a choice. His phone ringing drew him from his thoughts.


"We've got a body. One of Laurel's men." Wolf said.


"Ivan thinks Lacy did it."

"Why would he think that?"

"If you'd see the body, you'd know. They were tortured and I'd be lying if I said it didn't look like a job you or Lacy would do."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Meet me at the docks, look at the body see what you think. If Lacy is taking out our allies we'll have to act immediately and permanently."

Demon glanced back at the motel, he'd tracked Lacy down once and he could do it again. "I'll meet you there."

He hung up and started his bike with a heavy sigh and one last look at the motel.

"What the hell are you doing Lacy?" He asked out loud.

Years ago Laurel had been the right hand and Vice President of the MC the Trojans. Her husband Ivan had been the president and a direct descendent from the clubs founder. They'd seemed to be making the dream work when one day Laurel had left. She filed for divorce and everyone in the Biker world had been shocked when Ivan had granted it without a fight.

In most cases she'd have been exiled at best, ran out of town and warned never to return. Possibly killed if the boss ordered it. Ivan had done neither, he simply signed the papers and that was it. Laurel stuck around and started her own club, she also developed a hell of a reputation for being ruthless and handling her own business.

Neither the Animals nor the Trojans had any problems with her club, but they'd never been allies either. When the war broke out between the Aces and Trojans the Animals had assisted the Trojans. Laurel and her crew had stayed uninvolved until a few weeks ago when six of her men were gunned down by the Aces. Obviously done because of her prior relationship with the head of the Trojans.

Laurel had gotten involved and her crew had as well, backing the Trojans and Animals. If Lacy was working for the aces and Demon hoped she wasn't then it was possible she had acted on Kings behalf and killed some of Laurels men. He'd know once he saw the body if Lacy had committed the crime or not.

He drove to the docks and parked next to his brothers bikes, Ty, Zeke and Wolf were already inside. A few yards away sat four more bikes but the only one he recognized was Ivans. He swung from his seat and walked into the building. He just closed the door behind him when he felt the blow to his cheek.

"Bastard!" A tiny blonde raged.

"Laurel!" Ivan called out.

"Because of you one of my men is dead!" She lunged at him again.

"Laurel!" Ivan caught her around the waist holding back her slight frame.

"You promised me! You promised me he was going to take care of her! You promised!" She yelled shoving Ivan away from her.

"What the hell?" Demon asked, side stepping another vicious slap.

"Lacy, we were all under the impression you were going to handle it." Ivan said.

"I am handling it."

"Then why is my man dead?" She asked.

"I don't know, but depending on when it happened it couldn't have been Lacy."

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now