Chapter Eight.

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Photo is of Ty! I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint you all, I wanted to touch base on where Zeke is.

Ty finally received the phone call that Zeke was allowed visitors, through a glass pane but still in person. He had planned on going alone but Wolf insisted he take someone with him, Becky had volunteered and the pair had left the clubhouse early the next morning.

Zeke was being held in a large prison nearly three hours away, visiting rules were strict and the hours were short.

They parked on the far end of the parking lot, they'd brought Becky's beat up Nissan in an effort to blend in. They crossed the parking lot together, Becky sticking close to Ty.

They were searched when they walked in the door and then given a form to fill out, after returning it they waited a solid twenty minutes before they were searched again and then finally led back a small hallway by a guard.

They stepped into a large room and a few other people were already seated near the glass, talking on phones to the inmates on the other side. They were asked to sit down at the far end and told Zeke would be brought in shortly.

"Thank you for coming with me," Ty said softly.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else."

She reached over and grasped his hand that was resting on the table. He squeezed it in return, but she could see how tired and frightened he really was.

The door on the other side of the glass opened and Zeke stepped into a room that mimicked theirs. Becky saw him first and had to look away, stifling a gasp. She felt Ty tense beside her, and she choked back a sob before forcing her eyes to look at Zeke.

He was limping, badly. His lip was busted, there was a long cut above his right eyebrow, his left eye was black and nearly swollen shut. He was handcuffed but he was still holding his side, he eased into the chair on the other side of the glass. He didn't look at either of them as he lifted the phone on his side of the glass, Ty did the same and Becky forced herself to pick up hers.

"You two shouldn't be here," Zeke said.

"Like we wouldn't try to see you," Ty replied.

"I'm fine."

Becky choked back a laugh and debated hanging up. Instead she forced herself to look at him.

"What the hell happened to your face?" She asked.

He turned to her, looking at her as if he just now noticed that she was sitting there. Ty winced but didn't correct her.

"It was an altercation in the yard, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?! Zeke!"

She started to cry, she couldn't help it. Ty glanced at her and Zeke leaned forward in his chair as if he was going to reach out to her before he realized the glass prevented it.

"I'm fine," He said again.

"Look, Wolf is trying his best to get you out but with everything going on it's going to be at least a few days." Ty said, changing the subject.

"I can hold out a few more days."

"No you can't, look at what they did." Becky said.

"I'm fine," He said, more stern this time.

"Can we get you anything?" Ty offered.

"No, they're paid off they won't give me anything you bring anyway."

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now