Chapter Twenty Four.

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Photo is of  Demon

Ty sat by Zekes bed for seven straight hours, though his brother never stirred he continued to talk to him. He talked of when they were younger, about their parents, Becky, Ty and Zeke being kids and anything else he could think of.

"Remember when we were six and Becky fell from the tree in our yard? I don't know if she was crying more or if I was because I knew Dad would be angry we were in the tree to begin with."

"You were always a softie," Zeke said.

"Zeke...." Ty slid closer to the bed.

"Where am I?" Zeke asked, his voice scratchy and weak.

"You're home, you're safe."

Zeke turned his head to look at Ty, wincing at the slight movement as he tried to re-adjust himself in the massive bed.

"Try not to move," Ty said.

"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" Zeke asked.

"I'm fine, I'm okay."

"Good," Zeke said with a heavy sigh.

"Just stay awake, I'm going to go get Becky. Stay awake."

"No...Ty...wait," Zeke tried to stop him but his brother was already gone.

When Ty returned Becky wasn't far behind him, she was hurrying along until she saw Zeke and she froze in the doorway. Before she could stop herself she let out a small sob.

"Shit, do I look that bad?" He asked.

She shook her head and moved into the room, taking up the seat Ty had just abandoned. Ty sat down on the bed next to Zeke who already looked like he was exhausted from being up the short while.

"How bad is it?" He asked.

"They don't know," Ty said.

"Did we lose any men?"

"We can't find Laurel or Ivan, but that's it. Lacy came back but Wolf is keeping an eye on her."

"Are you in pain?" Becky asked.


"I can try and find you something," She offered.

"No, thank you."

The truth was he was in agony, every single breath was painful but admitting it would only scare Ty more. Believing that his older brother wasn't in pain seemed to calm him down but one glance at Becky and Zeke knew that she could tell her was lying.

"The nurse that looked at you said if you pull through the next day or so you'll be fine," Ty said.

"I'll try my best," Zeke promised.

"You'll be fine, I just know it." Ty said.

Becky forced herself to nod in agreement with Ty but she was doubtful.

Wolf and Morgan lay together in his bed, Iris had taken to get ice cream when with Jenny and Sky. After overhearing they were going for the frozen treat the small girl had invited herself and the pair had happily agreed to take her pending her mothers permission, with some reluctance Morgan agreed.

Wolf had headed straight to his room and stripped off his jeans and shirt collapsed into bed. Morgan joined him nestling in closely to his side.

"I'm afraid I'm a bit tired my love, wont' be much of a performance." He mumbled.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now