Chapter fourteen.

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Becky was sitting on a large stack of used tires near the garage, smoking a cigarette when Ty came out of the clubhouse. He made his way towards her and climbed onto the tires beside her, leaning his back against the chain link fence behind them.

"When did you start smoking?" He asked.

"Ten minutes ago."

"Look, Zeke doesn't mean to be so harsh."

"Yes, he does. He's always hated me."

"Not always, hes just testy right now. It's hard for him to sit aside while this war goes on."

"He's lucky he's even alive at all," She said.

"I know, but you know Zeke. He's never been one to sit on the sidelines and watch."

She laughed, knowing he was right. He leaned over to nudge her shoulder with his.

"Remember that time we went to prom together in our 11th grade? And Zeke caught us practicing how to dance, he insisted that he could show me a better way."

She gave a nod, remembering Zeke lecturing Ty on how he was holding her too close and that's why Ty kept stepping on her feet. He'd spent the rest of his afternoon blowing off work and teaching Ty to dance, later they'd all ate out together. Becky could barely remember a time she was happier than that day.

"Those were better days," She said with a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, they were."

"Do you think we'll ever be that happy together again?"

"Once the war is over Zeke with lighten up some, and I promise no matter what happens I'll always be here for you."

She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder, Ty dropped a kiss on top of her head but didn't say anything else.

They were sitting together on the tires when the all black bike roared into the parking lot, the rider also clad in all black. Becky felt Ty tense beside her and lifted her head from his shoulder.

"Who is that?" She asked.


The man swung off his bike and settled his helmet on the seat, pulling off his leather gloves. He glanced briefly at the pair and Ty flinched, Becky couldn't force herself to look away. She'd heard of him, anyone associated with any biker club had heard of him. He was every bit as terrifying in real life as in the stories.

Tall, not as tall as Zeke but taller than Ty with black hair and a long scar running down the right side of his face. He was younger than she thought he'd be, maybe not much older than her and Ty. He screamed lethal and dangerous, Becky knew grown men were afraid of him.

"Why is he here?" She asked.

"Because of Lacy."

Jenny and Sky were lounging on the couch, Sky sitting at one end watching the television while Jenny lay with her head on his leg reading a book. When the man all in black walked in.

"Shit," Sky mumbled under his breath.

"Who is it?"

"That's Raphael."

"The mercenary?" She sat up.

"Shh, just....he's here because of Lacy. Demon and Wolf will handle it."

Jenny watched him walk passed the couch he glanced at her and she shrank back against Sky. His eyes scanning over her made her nervous and itchy in her own skin.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now