Chapter Twelve.

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When Demon woke up Lacy was still next to him, sleeping deeply. He was surprised she hadn't bolted from the building while he slept and taken advantage of his fatigue. He eased from the bed and pulled on his boxers and t-shirt, letting her sleep while he went in search of food.

Her fridge was mostly empty, he wasn't surprised she hadn't stocked it. There was a twelve pack of Dr. Pepper in the fridge, opened with a few missing. On the counter he found only a large bag of pretzels. He grabbed the pretzels and two cans of soda before walking back to the bed, her cat was curled up on the window seat a few feet away and rain trickled against the window.

Setting the food and drinks on a small table nearby he climbed back into the bed with Lacy. Her back was to him and he couldn't resist running his palm down her naked body, from her shoulder, to the dip in her waist and her soft hip.

She rolled towards him but didn't wake up, he wondered if she'd had trouble sleeping since they'd split like he had been.

"Lacy," He leaned down and took her lips in a gentle kiss.

Finally she stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She smiled up at him and brought a hand to rest it gently against his cheek.

"You're kitchen is next to empty and while I appreciate your love for Dr. Pepper, you need to stock the fridge."

"I wasn't expecting company."

"Yes, you were."

She moved her hand from his face to and stretched lazily, reminding him of a large cat.

She pulled the blankets up under her arms, covering herself. She stretched her legs and he saw her wince a little, he had no doubt she was sore.

"Lacy," He was preparing to ask her again about King, when she interrupted.

"Don't ask me, not now."

"Wolf is threatening to call Raphael, you know the things he's capable of."

"Yeah, I know."

She sat up, pushing her hair back from her face with a heavy sigh. He sat up and dropped a kiss on her bare shoulder.

He'd never felt so helpless in his entire adult life, if Raphael was called in he would be forced to step aside and let whatever was going to happen, happen. Raphael would kill her and Lacy would simply be gone.

"How long have you been in bed with King?" He asked.

"Longer than you think."


"It doesn't matter, not really. Trust me, you'd be better off to walk away."

"I can't just walk away, you know that. You were my partner, my best friend, Lacy.....I would have done anything for you."

"How is Zeke doing?" She asked, changing the subject.

"He's going to pull through, Becky is basically glued to his side."

She chuckled and shook her head.

"How is that going?"

"Not well, Zeke is being an ass to her. He owes her his life and he can barely even treat her like a human being."

She rolled over to the stand near her side of the bed to grab a pack of cigarettes, she lit one and barely took one drag before he plucked it from her lips.

"What the hell!?" She demanded.

"When did you start smoking?"

"I don't know," She said with sigh.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now