Chapter Eighteen.

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The entire crew stood outside in the parking lot, Wolf stood on a picnic table in the center of the crowd. Their brothers from the other states had finally arrived and Raphael was prepared to lead them into battle so that Wolf could control his own men.

"It's going to be a hard fight, we don't know what we're walking into. We don't know if King has ten men, or a hundred. We don't know what Lacy has told him about us but we know she can not be trusted. I can't promise you that we will all come home, so take tonight and spend it with your loved ones. Relax and try to enjoy your time together, tomorrow we ride."

He stepped off the picnic table and the crowd began to dissipate. Wolf met Morgan and Iris off to the side, taking Iris in his arms and placing a kiss on Morgans forehead.

"I wish you didn't have to go," Morgan said.

"I know but I do."

"I know."

"Can I have ice cream?" Iris asked, having no idea what was going on.

"Absolutely, I don't think I'd like anything else for my night."

Iris beamed at him and Morgan forced herself to smile up at him. He knew it was hard for her to see him go into this fight, but it had to be done and he appreciated her not making it into a bigger issue than was needed. He leaned down to kiss her lips, keeping it chaste in front of Iris. He put his arm around Morgan and led them towards her car.

He gently settled Iris into her booster seat in the back and Morgan climbed into the passenger seat. He liked it that she automatically assumed he would drive, it gave him a sense of calm belonging that they had a normal routine down.

He finished fastening Iris in and then settled in the drivers seat, taking Morgans hand and kissing her knuckles.

"When we get back, let's find a babysitter." He said gently.

"Okay," She replied, reading his mind.

He turned onto main street and headed towards the ice cream shop, hoping this wouldn't be his last night with his family.


Jenny was sitting at one of the picnic tables, Raphael was seated across from her. She'd accidentally bumped into him in a hallway and couldn't help her curiosity. They'd struck up an unusual relationship, not really friends but he put up with her presence and sometimes answered her questions. She wasn't afraid of him most of the time but she was constantly aware of how dangerous he really was.

Sky stood a few yards away, watching the two interact and Jenny laugh at something he said. He clenched his fists until his knuckles cracked. Ty walked up beside him and turned his gaze to wear Sky was watching.

"Everything okay?" Ty asked.

"Look at that! I told her a hundred times to stay the hell away from him."


"Would you want your sister to talk to him?" Sky asked.

"She's not your sister, and I don't have one."

"Becky then, would you want Becky with the likes of him?" He demanded looking at Ty.

"No, but I'm in love with Becky." Ty pointed out.

Sky clenched his jaw and fell silent, turning back to looking at Jenny and Raphael. He watched them only for a minute longer before striding over to the picnic table, catching Jenny by the arm.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now