Lies You Tell

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"Lay" my dad called from down stairs.


"Don't what me come down here"

"I'm doing something dad" I yelled back.

"Just come here" I sighed then put my TV on pause cause I couldn't miss the weekend perform. I put on some Uggs with my black sweats and a hoodie over my black tank top.

"Yes dad" I said walking down the stairs plopping on the couch.

"Don't give me attitude you will be happy when I tell you what's going on" he said in front of me. He always says this when I think its something really good its something really bad.

"Mhmm..." I said putting my hands in my pockets on my jacket. He looked at me tightened his lips then blow out air.

"Your mom got a job now and I have to work grave yard from 10 till 7. And your mom has to take early morning so that means that brand new car you wanna show so much is gonna have to bring your sister to school-" he finished.

"But dad-" I semi yelled.

"But nothing and your gonna have a babysitter to watch you guys when were gone" he smiled.

"Dad I can watch my own self plus her I am 16 I know how to do all of that" I said now sitting up from how mad I am.

"Ok then whats the House Alarm code" he tested me.



"No wait I know it, its 2635 right" I said hoping I was right.

"No its 2457, like I said your not watching Maiah by yourself"

"Fine who's my babysitter" I said defeated.

"Chris Brown" he smiled.

"I don't think that's funny" I said with no emotion on my face. He knows I used to fan girl over him when I was younger but I just quit it cause i was doing to much.

"I'm serious-"

"And I'm serious that Beyonce is my mom" I said. He straight faced me then got out his phone. He did something then pushed the phone in my face.

"Who's name does that say" he asked smirking.

"Chris, but that does mean that's really him. Its a fake number" I said unconvinced.

"Ok fine push it" he said. I pushed it then it rung til I heard a manly voice on the other side.

"Hello" the man said. My dad put it on mute then spoke.

"Told you its him" he put it back on speaker then spoke again. "Hey Chris I just wanna prove that your really Malaya's babysitter" he said. I am not giving in to anything he's feeding me.

"Oh yeah ok then do you want me to come ova" he asked. He sounded a little like him but not enough to where I would believe him.

"Yeah you know where I am" he then hung up then laughed in my face. " I told you I was serious"

"I still don't believe you that was probably yo homeboy Derrek" I said getting up going to the kitchen. I got me a water out the refrigerator cause missing with my dad he made me tired. I heard the doorbell then the door open I heard people talking so I sat in a island chair.

"Yeah she's in here" I heard my dad say. I pierced my lips then seen him come in.

"Hey I'm pretty sure you know who I am but I'm your babysitter" he said smoothly.

"I-i-i" I couldn't finish my sentence like THE Chris Brown is in MY house, talking TO ME, being MY babysitter.

"Please don't pass out" he said looking at me with worried eyes.

"I'm not" I said slowly feeling my self beginning to fade in and out of life. I totally blacked out falling out of my seat.


I walked in the house to have Michael give me dap then tell me his daughters in the kitchen. I went into the kitchen to see this girl or woman at least she looked like one, look at me and get big eyed. "Hey I'm pretty sure you know who I am but I'm your babysitter" I said smoothly.

"I-i-i" she could finish like she was stuck on replay. She looked like she was out of it.

"Please don't pass out" I said worried cause she was rocking back and forth slightly.

"I'm not" she said. Then all of a sudden her body went limp and she almost fell to the floor but I ran and caught her. I picked her up and went upstairs for her dad to stop me.

"Damn Chris I now you are good with rocking babies to sleep but not teenage girls" he laughed.

"Wheres her room" I asked trying to change the subject.

"The one down the end of the hallway" he pointed. I nodded my head then he went down stairs. I walked into her room and mane does it smell good and look nice. I laid her on the bed then sat next to her I looked at her baby pictures on her side table then laughed, she's cute.

"Chris I'm going to work I should be back at 7 and her mom should be back at 8 just in case I'm not here" he yelled up the stairs.

"Kay Sir" I yelled back down. I looked at her to study her features. Her orange and browinsh hair, her long eye lashes, her light skin complexion. I then thought I should wake her up so I got the water bottle that was sitting on her dresser and opened the top putting a little water in my hand flinging it on her face. She moved her face to the other side I did it again and she woke up.

"What is that fo-" she stared at me in amazement. "This time I'm not gone pass out I just can't believe that guy I been man crushing about for years is sitting on my bed" she smiled. Her smile is beautiful. "Thank you yours too" she smiled again. Wait I said that out loud.


Chris Brown just complimented my smile like score. "Um where's your sister" he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"She's um with my mom, she'll be back tomorrow" I said smiling harder.

"Ok um wanna do something" he asked looking at me.

"Yeah sure how about 21 questions" I asked.

"Mhmm... This is just yo way of getting all yo fan girl questions in huh" he asked me as I nodded my head fast. He laughed the said for me to go first.

"Ok what does the skull tattoo mean on your hand" I asked. He looked at it then laughed.

"I got it the day after my 18th birthday and it signifies when you die, when you're buried, your flesh deteriorates and all that's left is your bones and the memory of you, it's your bones, but your an angel" he said. I nodded my head to show that i understood. "I wanted to do something that's not demonic, so I put a halo over it to make something positive" he added laughing as i joined. Then he asked his, we kept going for a minute until we got tired and decided to watch Over The Hedge in my room.

"What is he doing bro" he asked laughing. I swear he's a little kid.

"That bear messed up his shit for them chips" I laughed, I couldn't help it. We watched the movie til I got comfortable and fell asleep.

Hey guys my new book that im trying out, also if your reading this book and haven't read 'Bae 4 Play' you should go check it out cause its awesome sauce. LOL i dont know where that came from but... I changed the main character so don't be disappointed





Love Kaianna

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