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I was just in my gym working out til i heard a quiet knock on my door, i took out my ear bud getting off the Treadmill. I walked out putting on a T-shirt jogging down the stairs to the door fixing myself. I opened the door to Malaya with Maiah saying she wanted to talk, i let her in letting her sit on the couch. "So um... Whats up" I asked scratching the back of my head.

"I- um... My mom told me what happened" she said. I didnt know whether to act like i didnt know or just agree.

"Um... What do you mean" i said shakey

"I know about us and our daughter just tell me why" she said sighing.

"Your mom wanted to have you forget everything cause she said you was too young. But I said it was too much to hide from you" i said truthfully.

"Ok but why didnt you keep Maiah" she said.

"Cause your mom said she wanted her to be in your life still so when she told you it wouldnt be as hard"

"Oh well it still was but can you take me to the hospital so i can get my memory back" she said hopefully. I thought if i should cause then she would know everything from the past including her dad.

"Um... Yeah come on" i said. "Can Maiah walk yet" i asked.

"A little but she can crawl really good" she laughed, I laughed too then picked up Maiah taking her to the car. We all was in the car driving to the hospital in silence til this question came up.

"How do you feel about Maiah being our daughter" she looked at me then back out the window and answered.

"I dont feel nothing about it, i mean to not know you have a kid is one thing but to have a kid by someone i dont remember kinda makes me seem like a hoe" she answered. I laughed a little at her statement but then pulled into the hospital parking lot. We walked in there with me filling out the papers cause she said she didnt remember anything. I gave the papers to the lady then sat down in the waiting room chairs next to Maiah.

"Mrs. Night" Miranda called after awhile. Then Lay looked at me smirking.

"Mrs. Night, really im not married to you" she said laughing as i did too. We all walked back there to the room with her hopping on the bed like a little kid swinging her legs. Miranda then busted through the door looking down on her notepad.

"Alright Mrs. Night what can i do for you today"

"I would like my memory back please" Miranda's head then shot up from the clipboard to her face.


"Malaya OMG your ok" she hugged me.

"Yeah im ok didnt you send me outta here" i asked confused. She let go.

"No after i put the wires on you i got called to do a surgery" she said. Maiah giggled loudly from whatever Khyree was doing to her, Miranda looked over to her and smiled. "Awe and you must be little Maiah" she tickled her stomach making her laugh as i smiled. "Khyree how you holding up" she asked.

"Im ok" he said, he looked like he was thinking about something else.

"Ok ima go and get your machine" she said then left. I looked over at Kyhree to see him in the same position from when i last seen him.

"You ok" i asked him.

"Yeah just thinking" he said putting Maiah on his other leg.

"Bout wha-"

"Here it is as soon as i hook it to your head and press that button you should remember everything that happened" she said pointing as she went. I nodded my head looking back at Khyree one more time before i know what happened that they didnt want me to know. "You sure you wanna do this" she asked looking at me, I turned and looked back at her.

"Yeah" as soon as i said that she pushed Khyree ans Maiah out then cut off the lights. She attached the wires to my head and pressed the button on the machine. I seen bright colors then my life flashed before my eyes. I then opened my eyes to close them back and not be able to open my eyes again.

Khyree Night in the media

I might update again tonight cause im bored ASF!! LOL

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