Hanging with boo

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"Babyyy!!" i herd a female yell. I looked down to be in the same position as yesterday, I looked to see we was in my room but i don't remember how. i lifted her up and shook her.

"Malaya wake up" i said quick cause we both know what would happen if her mom caught us.

"Mmm..." she moaned rubbing her eyes.

"Your mom is here you need to go in your room" i said going to the door opening it peeking my head out to hear the water running in the kitchen.

"Oh ok um..." she was looking around then shook her head and left.


I tip-toed back into my room slipping under the sheets when i heard her footsteps then the door opened."Lay i know yo you is not sleep" i closed my eyes moving a little bit. She came to me and pulled the covers off of me.

"Ahh mom!! Come on now" I yelled.

"I know yo ass wasn't sleep, anyway your sister wants to see you and shes downstairs" she said then walked out.


"Chris ima need you to meet Maiah downst-" she looked over to my side table then pointed. "What is Lays phone doing in here" she asked. I mentally face palmed myself thats what she was looking for before she left.

"Um... I stole it from her cause she was on it too much" i lied.

"Mhmm... Come down stairs" she said piercing her lips at me walking out the door. I blew out breath and got dressed.


I walked down the stairs to hear the loudest scream. "Laya i mih you" she yelled waddling to me. I picked her up and kissed her cheeks repeatedly while she laughed.

"I missed you to baby" i said. "Chrisss" i yelled up the stairs. i heard heavy feet coming down then he appeared at the bottom down the stairs.

"Yes ba- Malaya" he answered. My mom looked at him weird then walked to the kitchen.

"This is my lil sister Maiah"

"Awe shes cute" he said messing with her hands as she laughed.

"We know it runs in the family" my mom said from the kitchen, we laughed then he looked at her.

"She looks exactly like you" he whispered, i looked at her.

"I know weird huh? you would think she would look like her dad" i said shrugging my shoulders. "Mom!!" i yelled to the kitchen.

"Yeah" she popped her head out.

"Me and Maiah is going to the mall" i said getting my keys.

"Ok take Chris to protect you" she yelled back. We walked out the door to the car then he snatched the keys out my hand.

"Hey what are you doing" i asked putting Maiah in the car seat.

"Your not killing all of us" he said getting in. I got in on my side looking at him as he started the car, he pulled off heading for the Mall 202. I looked at how he clenched his jaw when he drove.

"Why do you do that when you drive" i asked messing with it.

"I don't know I just do" he said. We then pulled up to the mall getting out putting Maiah in her stoller.

"Maiah where you wanna go" i asked her.

"Leggo to Fohnever 2  1" she said in her little voice.

"I must have rubbed off on her" i said dusting my shoulder walking over there.

"Oh god" Chris said. So we went to a lot of other stores getting things for all of us then we got hungry so we stopped at Mc Donalds. "Aye can i get a Big Mac, a large fry, a large sweet tea with lemon, and... What do you want" he turned to me.

"Two Mc Chickens, a large fry, a large sweet tea with lemon and a cheese burger kid meal for a girl" i finished.

"Ok that will be $14.22" she said. I pulled out my wallet to see Chris handed her money then she smiled at me. She gave us our food. "By the way you guys are a cute couple with your daughter" she smiled.

"Oh shes no-"

"Thank you" Chris said then grabbed our food going to the table. I smiled a little then I followed with Maiah sitting her down in the high chair.

"You hungry" i asked her.

"Yeah" she said as she smiled big.

"That smile is a big yes" i laughed pulling the food out the bag. I gave her her food then unwrapped mine eating as Chris stared at me chuckling. "What" i asked, wiping my mouth.

"You must have been hungry cause I've never seen you eat like that" he bit into his too.

"Well no one said you was supposed to be eating sexy" i laughed. We joked like that the whole time til we got tired and decided to go home. When we got there my mom was talking to some boy. "Hey mom who is this" i must have caught her by surprise cause she jumped then looked scared.

"Um..." the boy then turned around and he was beyond cute.

"Oh my god you don't look any different" he said. Now he might be cute but that freaked me out.

"Um what are you talking about" my mom whispered something into his ear then he nodded and looked at me one last time walking past us to the door.

"Hey baby what clothes did you get" she asked like nothing happened.

"We got all the name brands like 'Who Was He', The 'What Did He Mean' store was closed but guess what was open...  The 'Why You Trynna Change The Subject Store', I love that store" i said sarcastically.

"Ima head up stairs" Chris said taking Maiah's hand from my hand going up stairs.

"Baby that was Khyree one of the babysitters we were going to hire but Chris came up" she said. That name sounded familiar but I let it go.

"Ok ima go upstairs and take a nap with Maiah" i said going up the stairs. I went up stairs to hear silence so i opened Chris's door to see him and Maiah sleep on his bed. I covered my mouth from the cuteness then took out my phone taking a picture. I closed his door then went to mine plopping on my bed not caring to change falling into a deep sleep.

Updated again!! I'll try to update more but school be getting in the way sometimes, Sorry :(. Every weekend? Maybe.

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