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I smile at the thought he just put in it my head. Maybe this could be good for me. I get to do what I love without my parents bitching about what I want to do with my life. They may work and get lot of money, but I want to do what I want to do because it's what I love! I don't want to plan my future around my parents who don't even care about me.

"So?" He asks, having the same emotion in his eyes he'd had since he asked.

"Let me think about it." I say, wanting to think about it, even though I've already made up my mind. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow." He says, and with that, he disappears around the corner of the empty school building.

Hope you all enjoy this new book!! I DO plan to finish this book! I know I tend to not finish books, but I promise I will do this one!!! Please comment ideas, or anything else you want to say, and I guess that's it!

Also, please no stealing of my book! Remember that plagiarizing is a federal offense! So please save us all some time and not take things that aren't your own! Thanks!!

Just PretendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora