Chapter 6

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Ashton's POV

Laying on the floor, listening to Kenna's slow breathing, makes me smile. Never once in a million years did I think that I would fall for a girl like Kenna. Or even fall for a girl that I had just met like a week ago.

The light floods into the room like a rushing river. "Close those damn curtains Ashton." I hear Kenna complain from the bed, shielding her eyes with my black blankets.

"Get them yourself." I say, irritated that she just woke me up.

I lay there for a bit, but give up on going back to sleep. The cool air from the vent hits me on my face, causing me to shiver and turn over on my side. What i would do to have a blanket right now. Ugh.

"Can you take me home? I have a huge headache." I hear her small voice say from the bed. I look over at her. "Yeah." I say, getting up at stretching out my now stiff body. "I'll get you some Advil." I tell her, walking towards the bathroom. "Ashton?" She asks as I walk over to my tall dresser. "Yeah?"

"How did I get changed into these clothes?" She asks, looking down at the baggy sweats and loose white top that covers her body.

"You were really tired. Trust me. I didn't look at you or anything. I promise. I wouldn't do that to you." I respond, my face turning red from the memory of last night.


After beating the shit out of the guy who just tried to... Well you know... Have his own way with her, I carry her out to my car, telling the boys that I was taking her back to mine. They all agreed it was a good idea, considering that we didn't know much about her parents. We didn't know if they were home, or if they were over protective. We didn't really know. All we knew Is that Michael said that she lived in a HUGE mansion type of house.

She stayed asleep for the most part, mumbling a few things here and there.

When we pull up to my house, I turn off the headlights and pull the keys out of the ignition. I stuff the keys in my pocket and step out of the car and onto the hard cement. I make my way around to the other side of the car, opening the door, and scooping Kenna's limp body up into my arms. I kick the door shut with my foot and walk as quiet as I can to the front door. 

"Ashton?" I hear my mom call from her room on the main floor. "Is that you?" I swear under my breath and run Kenna up to my room and covering her body up and out of sight. I run back down the stairs and into the kitchen to not look too suspicious. I get to the cabinet and pull out the Advil and a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Hey. Did you and the boys go out tonight to practice?" My mom asks, rubbing her eyes from the tiredness. I glance over at the clock on the microwave and it says 4:34AM.

"Yeah. I'm really tired." I say, fake yawning. "I'm going to sleep." I say, grabbing the meds and water and giving my mom a quick hug.

I run upstairs and go straight to the bathroom. I set the meds and the water on the counter and get out of my clothes, stepping into the shower.

After a long needed refreshment, I dry myself off and wrap the towel around my waist, walking out into my room and into my closet. I quickly change into some grey sweat pants and a white t shirt, and get the same for Kenna.

I walk over to the bed, seeing Kenna's mouth slightly open for her to breathe. She looks so peaceful. So innocent.

"Kenna?" I say, shaking her lightly. No movement. "Kenna?" I say, starting to panic a bit. I don't want to have to change her and her get pissed, but that outfit does NOT look comfortable.

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