Chapter 8

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Kenna's POV

We walk down into the basement, grabbing flashlights from our supply closet and getting comfortable on the huge couch with a giant pull down projector. It's not like it will work though. The powers still out and it's getting really hot in this house.

"Are you getting hot?" I ask Ashton, fanning myself with my sweatshirt. "Yeah." He says, fanning himself with his hand. "I have a fan that runs on battery that I'm going to run upstairs and get" I tell him, throwing down the blankets and running up the stairs.

I quickly grab the fan from my closet and run up to the fourth floor, making sure that the door is locked. The room is filled with so many memorable things. That's where my love of music come from and stays! I have the acoustic guitar in my room because I like how it adds some character to my room.

My music room is filled with instruments and cameras and tapes and posters and anything else you can relate to music is in that room. I keep it locked because I don't want anyone to ever notice it. There is a door that opens to a set of stairs you walk up and see a door in front of you. It's a very large room and it has a small portal window that shows the front yard. No one really knows about it.

I run back down the stairs and close the door. I walk towards the next set of stairs leading to the basement and run down those, slipping on the way and hitting my head on the end of one of the stairs. Thank god it was carpet, but damn that hurt! I grab the back of my head and lay there for a minute, making sure I was okay. I think the fan broke.

Before I know it Ashton's running up the remaining stairs to help me. "Are you okay?" He asks, bending down and holding the back of my head with his hand. "Yeah. I've just got a bit of a headache now." I reply, standing up. "Let's go play some cards?" I say, trying to distract my mind from how close he was.

"Go fish?" He asks, smiling that cheesy grin. "Sure." I say, return the gesture and walking down the rest of the stairs, carefully. I pick up the fan and to my luck, it's not broken!

"Where are the cards? I'll get them." He says. "They're in the cabinet over there." I point.  I set the fan on the table and face it towards where me and Ashton will be sitting. "Okay... I couldn't find the cards but I found chess! Do you know how to play?" He asks me, holding out the board and pieces. "Yeah! I forgot we had that!" I say. I took a chess class in middle school, but I haven't played in a while.

He sets up the pieces and let's me be the white pieces so I could go first. I push a pawn forward, the queen opening. He does the same, trapping my pawn. I pull out my night and he copies me again. "Stop copying me!" I complain, but smile.

After a few games, we both get tired and end up putting the game up. "Want to watch a movie on Netflix on my phone?" He asks me. "Sure, but I don't want to use your data!" I say, a rumble of thunder shakes the house. "It's fine. I got unlimited.  He says, opening up the app and clicking the comedies.

Then there's a sound outside that I've never heard before. A few clicks here and there and soon enough, the heavens open up, shooting golf ball sized hail down to the ground. "Oh my gosh." Ashton says, looking out the window in amazement. Out basement is at our background level where you can walk out to the grass and the pool.

"Whatcha wanna watch?" He asks, now scrolling through the Disney movies. "Monsters INC." I yell when I see it. "Ok ok ok." He says. We both are now sitting on the couch with our feet reclined, under our blankets. Even when I'm hot, I need a blanket. It's weird but I have to have one.

We sit close together, our thighs touching. Soon, I make a move and rest my head on his shoulder. I feel him look at me from a side view, and I think I could see a small smile. He was holding the phone, but now it rests against his pillow.

We both get so into the movie, we didn't realize that the sky got even darker, if that's even possible. It stopped hailing a while ago and the movie is almost over now. "I'm tired." I say, sitting up and stretching myself out.

"Me too." He says, turning off his phone a stretching his arms up over his head. Then his arm snakes around my shoulder, pulling me towards him gently. I don't object and let my head lay on his chest.

Soon, we both end up falling asleep, the rain still pounding on the window. Tonight has been good.

Hey guys! Short chapter because this is just a filler chapter. I'm having finals next week and we're doing exam review this week so I'll try to update as soon as i can!!

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