Chapter 3

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Qur'anic names of Paradise:

Firdaws - The Highest Gardens of the Paradise (al-Kahf,[11]

Dār al-maqāmah - The Home (Fāṭir[13])

Dār al-salām - Home of Peace (Yūnus[14])

Dār al-Ākhirah - The Home in the Hereafter (al-'Ankabūt[15])

Al-Jannah - This is the most commonly used term in the Qur'an and Hadith. (al-Baqarah,[16] Āl 'Imran,[17][10] al-Ma'idah[18])

Jannat al-ʿadn - Gardens of Everlasting Bliss (al-Tawbah:[19] 72, al-Ra'd[20])

Jannat al-Khuld - The Eternal Gardens (al-Furqān[21])

Jannat al-Ma'wā - Garden of Abode (al-Najm[22])

Jannat al-Na'īm - The Gardens of Delight (al-Mā'idah,[23] Yūnus,[24] al-Ḥajj[25])

Maq'ad al-Ṣidq - Assembly of Truth (al-Qamar[26])

Al-Maqām al-Amīn - The House of Security (al-Dukhān[27])


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