Chapter 15

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Surely Paradise is decorated the whole year for the Ramadan to come.

When the first night of the Ramadan comes, a wind called "Musira" blows from the bottom of the Skies.

Sahl Ibn Sa'd reports from Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh):

There is a door in Paradise called Rayyan. Only those who observe fasting can enter that door on doomsday, nobody else can enter with them.

Then, a voice is heard 'Where are the ones who observed fasting in the world?'

They come and enter paradise from that door. When the last one of them enters, the door is closed; nobody else is permitted after that.

Whoever enters Paradise from that door never gets thirsty again eternally



Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said:

Every day of Ramadan during the iftar (evening meal for breaking the daily fast) time Allah (swt) saves one million people from Hell who deserves it.

Also on the last day of Ramadan, Allah (swt) saves as many people as the sum of all He saved during Ramadan.


When a person performs salah on a Ramadan night, surely Allah writes one thousand and five hundred merits for its every sajdah and builds a villa made of red ruby for him in the heaven.

There exist sixty thousand doors of that villa.

There exists a golden villa decorated with red ruby on every door of it.

When he fasts on the first day of Ramadan, his past sins till that date are forgiven and every day seventy thousand angels pray for him from the morning salah to the evening salah.

For the every sajdah he does during the day or night in Ramadan, he is given such a big tree that in its shadow a horseman can travel for five hundred years.


Say SubhanaAllah!!!!

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