Chapter 22:

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 A/N: I know you all want me to double update, but I usually post the new chapter right before I go to work and I don’t get home until after midnight and then I get home and pass out.  I hope you can understand :D

Harry's POV

It's been almost two weeks since Anna was kidnapped, and a week since the money exchange went wrong. The kidnapper called Louis telling him off for bringing the cops. When Louis heard Anna scream in the background we all panicked. Louis tried to reason with the guy telling him we didn't have a choice but to bring the cops, but he didn't care. We heard Anna let out a blood-curdling scream before the line went dead. That was the last we heard of from the kidnapper and Anna. The last week has been hell not knowing how Anna is. The cops were trying to figure out who would kidnap her and beat her. They even questioned Trey (Anna and Louis' Bio dad) to see if he hired anyone, but for whatever reason they ruled that theory out. The cops did tell us that they have a lead and don't want to tell us until they are sure it’s an actually lead. That was two days ago when Louis flipped on them for 'not doing their job' but I don't blame him we all felt like they weren't doing anything to find her.

A few minutes ago the lads, girls, my family, Louis' family, and myself just finished watching the most horrible things I'll probably ever witness. The kidnapper sent a video of him beating the life out of Anna then forcing her to clean up the blood. Anna looked like she had been beaten throughout the five days we hadn't heard anything. She could barely move before he beat her again, but after his beating she just moved her hands enough to clean up the blood.

"I’m so glad I made the girls go upstairs." Jay said as she tried to collect herself.

"I need air." I said standing up and walking towards the balcony. I threw the doors open and slammed them behind me. It was snowing out and has been all week, so you can say it’s a bit cold.

"Baby are you okay? It’s so cold. Please put your coat on." Mum begged me. I took the coat and put it on without looking at her face.

"Of course I'm not okay. I just watched as the love of my life got beaten up by a man that's 3 times bigger then Paul." I hissed at her.

"I know baby that was horrible, but she wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over it. Its not you-"

"How would you know what she would want? You, Gemma, and the rest of thee family hate her. She has changed a lot since she left for LA." I spat at my mum. I saw tears form in her eyes, and as much as I felt bad I pushed past her and back into the living room. I stormed past everyone and walked out of Louis' flat. I grabbed Louis' spare key to Anna's flat on the way out. I heard people calling my name behind me but I ignored them and kept walking. I decided to skip the lift and take the stairs to Anna's floor. After running down a few flight of stairs I got to Anna's floor and over to her door. Two police officers were stationed there.

"Mr. Styles? Is everything alright?" One of the cops asked me.

"Peachy (insert sarcasm). I'm going to go inside for a bit." I told them as I unlocked the door and went inside closing the door behind me. I walked straight up to Anna's room. I opened the door and took a deep breath inhaling her scent. I took off my shoes and coat before walking to the bed and getting under the covers. I curled into a ball and rested my head on her favorite pillow and finally broke down into sobs.

Anna's POV

There isn't one part of my body that doesn't hurt. That last beating Damon gave me was the worst. I knew he was live streaming it to the guys and as much as I wanted to tell them something to help them find me I couldn't. Damon threatened me telling me if i said anything that he didn't tell me to say he would kill one of the lads starting with Louis so I kept my mouth shut. What the guys saw today is what I’ve gone through every other day for the past five days.

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