Chapter 23:

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A/N: 56 VOTES ON THE LAST CHAPTER OMFG!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH :D 21 comments and like 236 reads as well..... god that is just amazeballs thanks so much.... 

Louis' POV

"I'm going to go check on Harry." I said to everyone. He stormed out of my flat an hour ago. Anne was a wreck she felt so bad for upsetting him. I tried to tell her he is just upset over Anna being kidnapped and then tortured, and that she could have said pudding and it would've set him off at this point. She seemed to get it once she realized he was just one edge especially after watching that video. As I watched that video my heart broke into tiny pieces. She was so helpless and in so much pain. It also made me realize how lucky I am to have had her forgive me and trust me again so quickly. I remember one day a few months ago asking her how she trusted me again so quickly.


"I don't know to be honest. I should never trust any of you again. But for some strange reason no matter how freaking hard I try and believe me I've tried to hate you guys and whatnot, but I guess because of the whole Trey thing I can't help but feel safer when your around. You and Harry were my security blanket for so many months that I think it just comes naturally when trusting you. Gosh I know it doesn't make any sense to you. It’s just really hard to explain. I guess what I'm trying to say is...." she took a long pause.

"Even though I don't trust you in some ways I trust you in other ways. I'm not trusting you with my heart yet, but I'm already trusting you in other ways." She said trying to make sense.

"I think I get it. I'm just glad you trust us at all. I know I can speak for all of us when I say we will take what we can get and that we will never break your trust again." I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug.


That conversation seems so long ago when really it was only two months ago. I hope she knows we are doing everything in our power to get her back home to us.

I got onto the lift and pressed the button to Anna's floor. It didn't take long before the doors opened revealing two officers staring at me.

"Oh, hi Mr. Tomlinson. If you're looking for Mr. Styles he went into her apartment." One cop smiled at me. I nodded and walked into Anna's flat. Luckily the door was unlocked because Harry took my spare key. When I walked in I didn't hear any noises, so I went up to the second floor to hear sniffling coming from Anna's room. I carefully walked to her room and pushed the door open all the way, since it was already cracked open. As I stepped into her room I saw Harry curled into a ball in Anna's bed. He looked so broken... Shit! He looked how I feel right now.

"Haz?" I said as I sat on the bed.

"I- I can't get those i-images out of m-my h-head." He said in between sobs.

"I know neither can I. I just want to tell her everything will be fine and that we will find her soon." I sighed.

"You think she knows we are trying to find her? " Harry asked, his face still in Anna's favorite pillow. I never knew why it was her favorite pillow I will have to ask her one day.

"I hope so. She saw us when we gave that guy the money for her." I shrugged.

"She has a-already been through e-enough why does she have t-to go through t-this?" He asked me.

"God I wish I knew the answer to that." I said as I lay on the end of the bed looking up at the ceiling.

"She's going to need us when she gets home." Harry said after we sat in silence for a while.

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now