Chapter 41:

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A/N:  So as I’m writing this I see that I have over 35,000 reads, 2,007 Votes, and 638 COMMENTS on Twisted Truth! I can’t believe how popular this story is. When I was at this point (ch 41) in Twisted words and twisted lies I was hoping I would get 1,000 votes by my final chapter and now I have over 2,000 votes on ch 41 of the sequel Gosh I’m totally freaking out right now. This is just amazing! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH :D

Anna’s POV

“I don’t understand how you and Harry could be so irresponsible.” Louis sighed.

“You couldn’t use a freaking condom? You’re not even married!” Louis snapped. I felt a crack form on my heart as he spoke. I can’t tell if he is mad or just disappointed in me. Either way I’m hurt by his reaction. I really need my brother right now. I’m so scared of possibly being pregnant right now. Tears were streaming down my face at a rapid pace.

“I’m so sorry Louis. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” I cried.

“Well you should have thought about that when you had unprotected sex.” Louis snarled at me.

“Anna, what do you think management is going to say? They aren’t going to be very happy that you guys are having a baby and your not even married yet.” He hissed at me.

“What do you think mum will have to say about this?” He said standing up and looking down at me.  I couldn’t take anymore of him so I quickly shot up and ran out of his room. I run down the hallway towards mine and Harry’s room. I get to our door and pull the room key out of my pocket with my shaky hands. I tried to slip the key card into the door, but with my shaky hands and watery eyes it’s nearly impossible. After a few failed attempts I finally opened the door and quickly walked in. I didn’t see Harry, but I heard him in the bedroom. I walked over to the bedroom and opened the door to see him standing in front of the window on the phone, so I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and continued to cry. He was caught of guard since he didn’t hear me come in.

“Mum I’m going to have to call you back.” Harry said hanging up the phone and wrapping his arms around me.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” He asked clearly confused as to why I am sobbing into his chest. I couldn’t answer him I just tightened my grip. He pushed me away slightly and quickly picked me up bridal style. He walked over to the bed and sat down with me sitting on his lap curled into his chest. He stroked my hair as he held me while I cried my eyes out.

“Babe you need to talk to me your scaring me.” Harry said after a few minutes. I had calmed down a bit, but I still couldn’t really talk properly.

“You were with Louis right?” He asked/stated. I nodded my head yes.

“What did he do to upset you this much?” He asked completely confused. I didn’t say anything I just started to take deep breaths trying to calm myself down. After ten minutes of taking deep breaths I finally stopped crying, so I’m now able to tell him why I’m upset.

“I told him.” I took another deep breath.

“I told him I might be pregnant and he didn’t react well.” I whispered.

“I thought we weren’t telling anyone until we knew for sure?” He asked me confused.

“I needed my big brother to tell me everything was going to be okay. Why couldn’t he have done that?” I said as I started to silently cry. He took a deep breath and started rubbing my back.

“I don’t know babe. What did he say?” He asked me.

“He was just snapping at me asking why we didn’t use protection. When I told him I didn’t mean for it to happen that we should’ve thought of that before we didn’t use protection.” I said just loud enough for him to hear me.

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now