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Alfred woke up with a headache. The first thing that met his eyes were littered clothes. When he turned around, he saw that someone was lying next to him. He noticed short ruffled blonde hair and white skin. What the hell had happenend last night? He remembered he was at a party, drinking and having fun and the next thing he knew was waking up next to some unknown girl. He sighed and stood up to get some medicine for his headache. As he slipped out of the bed he noticed that he was naked. Great. So he had done it drunken with some unknown girl whom he didn't even remember. He had to talk to her later. He rubbed his neck and walked into the bathroom. As he stood in front of the mirror he saw the scratching marks on his back. Whomever he had sex with, they did it pretty rough. He sighed and went to take a shower. As he showered, small bits of memories came back to him. They mainly consisted of moaning, grunting and the bed rocking against the wall. Soft skin, hot kisses and a voice calling his name and pleading for more flashed through his mind. He sighed again. Luckily, he was already inside the shower. He turned the handle to 'cold'.

As he was drying his hair, he suddenly heard a thump. He went back to his room, seeing the girl had tried to stand up and fell down, the blanket wrapped around her. "Oh shit! You okay?" He rushed towards her, trying to help her up. She just groaned and tried to push herself up. She failed and fell flat down on her face again. He tried to hold in a chuckle, grabbed her arms and pulled her up so she was at least sitting. That's when he saw it. The girl was a boy. And not just any boy, it was the student council president Arthur Kirkland. He blinked at him, not knowing how to react. "What the-" He shook his head in confusion and refusal. "I don't believe this." Arthur sighed. "As expected." He stood up wobbly, the blanket still wrapped around him. He looked around for his clothes and limped to them, picking them up piece by piece. "If you want to forget this, then it's fine. I will never speak of this again and we will go back to what we were before." Arthur struggeled to put on his pants. "I know you are shocked by the fact that we had sex, but it has happenend and unless you can turn back time, you can't make it unhappen." Arthur put on his shirt. Alfred noticed he had an awful lot of hickeys and bitemarks on his body. Was he really the one who left them there? Arthur turned to him, now fully dressed. "Why are you staring?" Alfred cleared his throat, looking away. "Those marks...."
"Oh, these? You left them. But, I have to say, I probably left some as well on your back, so it's equal."
"I've already seen them. Though I can't remember anything much yet and I kinda doubt I will remember more, I noticed that it must have been a pretty rough night."
"Yeah. We did thirteen times altogether." Arthur said non-chalantly. Alfred choked. "Th-thirteen times?"
"Yes." Arthur put his hand on his hips. "I actually can't believe it either." He sighed. "Anyways, get some clothes on, will you? I'll be downstairs." With that, he turned around and limped off. Alfred looked down at himself. True, he just came out of shower, so all he wore was a towel around his waist. He stood up hurriedly and searched for some fresh clothes.

Not in his Adam costume anymore, he slowly made his way down the stairs, his thoughts flying. If he really slept with Arthur, did that mean he was gay? Wait, there were a lot of other possibilities. Bisexual or pansexual for example. Or was it just a drunk act afterall? Dammit, he couldn't figure it out. He reached the end of the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. As he walked in, he was surprised to notice that Arthur made tea and sandwiches for both of them. Arthur, who leaned against the counter a cup of tea in his hand, inspected him and seemed to decide that Alfred was wearing clothes decent enough. "Good morning." He greeted and took a sip of his tea. Alfred grabbed a cup and began to make coffee for himself. "Morning." The coffee machine beeped, signaling the coffee was finished. Alfred carried the cup to the kitchen table, sat down in a chair and Arthur took a seat across him. Alfred grabbed a sandwich and bit in it. It was delicious. "So..." He swallowed the bite. "I hope you can remember what happenend last night." Arthur took one sandwich too. "Of course I can. After all, I wasn't the one who was drunk." Alfred groaned. "Care to tell me what happenend?"
"Simple." Arthur said, waving his sandwich in the air. "You got drunk, we fucked. That's all there is to tell." Satisfied with his own answer, he took a bite of his sandwich. Alfred, however, wasn't satisfied at all. "Yeah, I get that, but what exactly happenend?" Arthur sighed. "We were at a club. You somehow managed to get some drinks. When I ran into you by coincidence, you were already pretty drunk, so you probably don't remember. Anyways, one thing led to another and you know the rest." Arthur took another bite of his sandwich, while Alfred was at his seventh one. Arthur seemed to know that Alfred had the habit to eat much and made many in advance. It wasn't helping at all that they were delicious, too. He gobbled down his eighth one. "Slow down a bit or you will start choking on it." Arthur commented, finished his sandwich and took another sip of tea. Alfred rolled his eyes and took more careful bites. He promised to himself that he would talk with Arthur about the 'incident', as soon as he would finish these heavenly good sandwiches.

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