Some things should be forbidden

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Okay, Arthur hadn't told Alfred everything. He admitted, he left out huge parts of the story. True, when he met Alfred, he was already pretty drunk. But Arthur made him drink more. Until he couldn't think straight anymore. Literally. He somehow managed to get Alfred respond to his advances and persuaded him to go to his home to..... well, fuck. Nobody knew, because Arthur hid it pretty well, but he had been in love with Alfred for years. He knew Alfred didn't love him back, that's why he pulled that stunt yesterday. If he could have this one time with Alfred, he could give up. No matter what happenend afterwards. And really, it had been worth it. Arthur was sure he would limp the rest of the day and maybe even longer, but it was definetly worth that amazing night. He looked at Alfred, who finished the last sandwich. Arthur made fifteen in total, so with him eating two, Alfred ate thirteen. Thirteen..... thirteen times..... it was still unbelievable. He shook his head to get rid of this thought. "So..." Alfred started, making Arthur look at him. "I know I was drunk, but what about you? Why were you in this club anyway? It doesn't seem like you." Shit. He didn't think about this. He couldn't let Alfred figure out that he liked him. He needed to find a solution, quick. Luckily, he already had a true excuse for being there. Now he just needed to find one for sleeping with him when he obviously wasn't drunk at that time. His thoughts ran frantically as he began to speak. "I work there sometimes. Little jobs, cleaning, serving and stuff like that." Again he left out a part, like how he also performed there sometimes as a dancer or singer. "I see. But if you need money, there are a lot of other jobs, so why pick this one?" Good. Seems like Alfred didn't notice that he didn't answer the other question and forgot it. "It's well paid. I earn much more money than you think." True, but he certainly didn't earn it through cleaning. "I get it. But back to the subject: what should we do now? I don't know about you, but since earlier I'm questioning my own sexuality. Even if we go back how we were before this, something has changed. It will never be the same." Did that mean he could get his hopes up? Arthur gritted his teeth bitterly. Surely not. How could it? "What are you talking about? We barely knew each other, we're not in the same year, we won't even meet that often. You'll probably forget it soon." Alfred looked down at the table. "Sure....." As expected. No need to get his hopes up. "But what about you? Aren't you shocked? Or surprised? Why are you so calm?" Stop asking. The more you ask, the higher is the chance that you find out how I really feel. "I'm not calm. I just keep my composure. Believe me, internally I'm screaming." Because he felt so happy. Yet he felt sad at the same time. It was so confusing. He took a look at his watch. "Well, I have to go now. My aunt is celebrating her birthday at two PM and I still need to get ready. See you tomorrow at school." He stood up, placed his cup in the sink and went upstairs once more to get some things he left there. He grabbed them quickly and went downstairs again. "No need to show me the door, I know the way out." He called out for Alfred, who had stood up to guide him. "I'll still come along." Alfred insisted. Arthur shrugged his shoulders and continued his way to the door. Alfred openend it for him. "Then.... see you at school." He scratched his head helplessly. Arthur nodded. "See you at school. Don't forget your homework or I'll get complains from your teachers."
"I did do it!" Alfred protested. As well as me. A dirty-minded part in Arthur couldn't help but think. "Fine then. See you around." He started walking down the driveway. Then he stopped, turned around walked up to Alfred again. He leaned forward to his ear and whispered: "By the way, the sex with you was great." And with that, he left, leaving a blushing, stuttering, confused and flustered Alfred behind.

Arthur walked inside his house, closed the door, leaned against it and sighed. Then, he blushed furiously and slid down on the floor. Why did I just say that? I had my fun, now back to reality. He won't like me. He was drunk. Time to give up. He sighed again and calmed down, the blush slowly disappearing. But he slept with me. A little voice that didn't want to give up yet said. Doubt overcame him. Was he really able to give up yet? "Arthur, darling, get ready for the party." His mother stood in the hallway in front of him. "And mind telling me what made you so flustered? And where you were last night?" She added with wink. His cheeks heated up again. He looked away. "Just... some... business...." He said, not giving a real answer. He scooted up and walked towards the stairs leading upstairs to his room. "My, Arthur, you're limping! Did you get in a fight?" He turned around and gave her a sad smile. "One with myself. Seems like I just couldn't give up that easily." She nodded. She didn't understand what he meant, but Arthur knew, she wasn't going to ask for a while. She understood when he needed a bit time for himself. "I'll be ready in fifteen... no, thirteen minutes." He smiled at the small reference his mum didn't get. "Yeah, thirteen." With this last statement, he went upstairs. He walked into his room and pulled out some decent clothes. He put them on, but struggeled with the pants. He cursed. His hips still hurt like shit. But it still had been worth it. He smiled. Yeah, it had been totally worth it.

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