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Breathing heavily, Alfred arrived running on the plaza where the café was located. He had tried not to be late, but the last boss at his new video game was more of a struggle than he thought it would be. Still panting from the run, he looked around for Arthur. Sure, he did say he would put on a disguise, but he shouldn't be that difficult to spot, right?
He couldn't find him anywhere. Was Arthur running late himself? Suddenly he was swatted across the back of his head. "You're late." A voice stated angrily. He turned around to find a girl with thick brown hair and brown eyes hidden behind glasses standing there with a disapproving look all over her face. "Even after I told you not to be." She huffed in annoyance. "But I was expecting it, so don't sweat it too much." Alfred's eyes wandered to the paper cup in her hand she probably bought to pass the time and back to her face. Finally, he recovered from his speechlessness. "Arthur?" The girl rolled her eyes. "No, the monster of Loch Ness. Of course it's me." Alfred looked up and down his body. A simple dress and a jacket over it. Overknees and some heeled shoes, but not too high. His eyes wandered back to his chest. He hold back the urge to poke it to find out what he used to stuff it. Arthur noticed his gaze. "What? Did I overdo it with the stuffing?" Alfred shook his head. "No, it just looks so... real. You look like a real girl." Arthur's eyes lit up. "Really? I put a lot effort in this afterall. Rosa helped me a bit, but she told me I have to do it alone next time, so I did most of it myself." He spun around. "It really does look convincing, huh?" He grinned. Alfred raised an eyebrow. "And this is not some weird kink? You only did this as a disguise to meet up with me?" Arthur huffed. "Trust me, I know I have my kinks, but dressing up as a girl is not one of them. You said one of the reasons you want to keep it secret is that you weren't ready to come out yet, so I figured that if I dress up as a girl no one will suspect a thing." Alfred had to admit that this was pretty clever. But... "But how should I call you? I can't call you Arthur like that." Arthur nodded and took a sip out of his paper cup. "True. I like Rosa's name, it sounds nice, but she could get in trouble if you call me Rosa. How about Rose, it's similar and easy to remember." Alfred nodded. "Rose it is then." Arthur took another sip out of his paper cup and threw the now empty cup in a bin nearby. "Now, this is a date, and I don't want to spend it standing here all day. How about we go somewhere and eat something sweet?" Alfred's eyes lit up. "How about the café where you wanted to meet up? 'Le petit Paris'?" Arthur shook his head. "No. I admit that it's a nice café, -don't ever tell Francis I said that- but they don't sell ice cream. And right now, I'm in the mood for ice cream." He linked their arms together and started walking. "I know a great place just a few minutes away. Let's go there." He smiled at him and Alfred was swept away. Arthur actually smiled! That was rare! It even rained more often in the Sahara than the times Arthur genuinely smiled. Arthur turned back to him, now looking confused. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you don't want to eat ice cream, I know you well enough to know that you would never refuse ice cream." Alfred shook his head. "No, I was just surprised." Alfred smiled. "So you do smile sometimes." Arthur frowned. "Yes, of course. I'm a human being, too. I smile when I'm happy. So, why shouldn't I be happy when I get to go on a date with the man I love?" Alfred blushed a bit and nodded. How could Arthur say such things so bluntly? He himself would start to stutter at the word 'date'. Seems like Arthur was a natural charmer. "Anyways, let's get going." Arthur began walking again. "Some delicious ice cream awaits us."

"Thanks for the meal." Arthur, no, Rose grinned and dug his- her spoon into the pile of ice cream in front of him- her. "Hmmm!" A shudder of joy went through hi- her. "Delicious!" Alfred stopped watching him, umm, her and decided to finally start eating, too. His portion arrived earlier than Arth- Rose's, but he- she stopped him and told him to wait until hi- hers arrived. So now, he could finally enjoy the sweet taste of vanilla ice cream mixed with strawberry sauce and white chocolate bits. Spaghetti ice cream really was one of the best inventions ever made. He now understood why Arthur- Rose- fuck it- Arthur wanted to go here. It was delicious. Heaven in form of ice cream. "And? What do you think? Do you like it?" Alfred looked up again and at Arthur, who smiled at him. He grinned. "Isn't it obvious?" He asked in return. Arthur chuckled. "Right? It's great here. The food tastes good and the view is nice, too." Alfred nodded and looked at the park the café was facing. "Yes, it really looks nice." Arthur shook his head. "Oh, I wasn't talking about that." He leaned forwards and set his chin on his folded hands. "I was talking about the view right in front of me." Alfred looked at the ice cream. "Yeah, I guess the ice cream looks great, too." Arthur shook his head again. "Are you really like that or do you just pretend not to notice when I'm flirting with you?" A light bulb lit up in Alfred's head. "Oh... oooh!" He blushed. "I see..." His voice trailed off. He was embarrassed. How could he not notice such an obvious thing! Arthur sighed. "Anyways, don't just think our date is over just after eating ice cream! I want to be busied the. Whole. Time." He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You're not getting off the hook easily." Alfred gulped. Just what exactly did he agree to?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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