As truthfully as possible

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Alfred. Why didn't he just disappear out of his head? He was supposed to give up after this one night! But he just didn't seem to be able to, especially after this one night. Arthur sighed as he limped down the stairs. "There you are, Arthur! It really were exactly thirteen minutes!" Thirteen. That number kept remembering him about it, too. Whenever someone would mention it, he would remember. That number would haunt him forever. "Arthur, dear, what's wrong? You're blushing!" His mother rushed worried over to him. "Is it a fever?" She felt his forehead and shook her head. "No, your temperature is normal." He gently pushed her hand away. "I'm okay, mum." He said softly. "You don't look okay at all, honey." She said. "Did you have a bad night?" Arthur shook his head. "It was actually great. I'm just trying to forget something. It's painful to remember." He explained her. She nodded. "Maybe you should stay home to have some alone time." Arthur shook his head. "If I'm alone, I'll just keep keep remembering it. I'll go." She still looked worried. "Okay, but please remember: I am there for you and I always will be. You don't have to struggle alone." He smiled sweetly at her. "Thanks mum, but this is something I have to handle alone." He sighed and put on a smile. "Enough serious talk, let's get going!"

"Arthur, my, I haven't seen you in such a long time!" His aunt greeted him. "How have you been?" His mum leaned forward. "I think he has love problems." She answered instead of him whispering. "Mum!" He shouted. "This isn't your business!" She turned around, put her hands on her hips and pouted. "My son has problems. All signs point towards love problems. How is this not my business?" His aunt leaned forwards, interested. "Oooooh! Who is the lucky girl?" She asked excitedly. Arthur sighed. "There is no girl." He said truthfully. Right, no girl. Only a boy. And great sex. He noticed where his thoughts were going again and shook his head quickly to shush away the thoughts and the upcoming blush. "Awwww, look, he's blushing! There must be a girl!" His aunt exclaimed. Arthur shook his head again. "There isn't."
"Come on, you can't fool us!" She continued to tease him. "Tell us the truth!" He raised his eyebrows. "You don't want to know, trust me."
"Now you've made me even more curious! Tell us!" He sighed. "Okay. The uncensored truth." She nodded in excitement, even his mum leaned forward curiously. "The name's Alfred, my crush since Junior High, maybe even longer. Last night I got him drunk and somehow persuaded him to fuck with me. I kept convincing myself that I would give up and forget him after that. But now it's even more difficult to forget him and nearly every single thing fucking reminds me about it. So, actually, I said the truth, there's no girl, just a boy who's hot as hell and not going out of my head. There, you got it now. Any questions?" Silence. Then, a voice butted in. "Is that why you were limping?" His cousin asked and put her tea cup down. He didn't even notice she was there, she had been quiet as always for the whole time. "Yes, it is." She looked up, her glasses glinting in the sunlight for a moment. "I suppose you're a bottom type then." His thoughts went back to the night before. "Topping never even crossed my mind." She nodded. "I see. A natural bottom. Was he good?" His cousin spoke non-chalantly of things some people wouldn't even dare to ask. "Very good. Way better than imagined." She raised slightly an eyebrow. "Interesting. Tell me more details. How often did you do it? Did you do it roughly or gently? Did you do it normal or kinky? Did you..."
"Now, now." His mum interrupted her. "This may interest you, but I prefer not knowing too many details." She turned her gaze away from Arthur to his mum. "I get it." She stood up, took his arm and pulled him out of the chair and up to her room. She closed the door and flopped down on the bed, swinging her legs back and forth. "Back to the subject. Can you tell me the details? As many as possible." She pulled out a notebook and pencil and got ready to write. He sighed. "If you really want to know." He said. She nodded. "Of course. Now talk." He sighed once more and sat down next to her. He let himself fall backwards with outstretched arms and closed his eyes. Then, he started to talk. "About your questions earlier. We did it thirteen times. Roughly, but normal. Though I have my kinks, there wouldn't have been enough time to try them all. I'd need to be in a relationship with him for that. And that, I am not. Sadly." She noted down his words and tapped the notebook with her pencil while thinking. He openend one of his eyes and peeked at her. "Why do you want to know this anyway?" She looked up from her thoughts and at him. "First of all, it's interesting. A new, unknown side of my dear cousin." He snorted and rolled his eyes. "And the other reason is that I'm gay myself and because we're similar in many points I thought I could use the information, since I have a crush and all." He sat up. Now that was interesting. "Who is it?"
"Alfreds cousin, Emily. You know her?" Arthur thought for a bit. "I think I've seen her once or twice around. Very bold personality."
"True. I don't know if I have a chance, but I will try my best." He gazed at her. She seemed determined. "And what will you do now?" She shrugged and looked a bit helpless. "I don't know. And you?" He let himself fall on the bed again. "I don't know either."

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