The school's number one

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"I'm home!" Alfred shouted, flung his backpack over his shoulder on the floor and slipped out of his shoes. "Welcome home!" A voice greeted him. Alfred walked around a corner. "Matthew! What are you doing here?" Matthew smiled at him. "I decided to drop by after school." Alfred grinned and flopped down on the couch next to him. "Nice! So, how's it going?" Alfred grinned. "Pretty good." Matthew smiled softly. "You seem in a pretty good mood." Alfred beamed back at him. "Something good happenend today!" Matthew leaned forward curiously. "Really? And what?" Alfred thought for a bit. Should he tell Matthew? He decided to tell him. They have been neighbours for such a long time, they knew each other like brothers now. He knew Matthew could keep a secret. "Today I asked someone out under the condition not to tell anyone and they said yes. Since it's you, I feel like I could tell you, but please don't tell anybody else." Matthew's eyes went wide. "So you asked them not to tell anybody but you're still telling me?" Alfred nodded. Matthew had a determined look on his face. "I won't tell. I promise." He gave Alfred a smile. "So, who's the lucky one?" Alfred grinned. "I won't tell you, but I'll give you a hint: it's the school's number one." Matthew grew silent, thinking about who it could be. "Well, well, what did I just hear?" Matthew's head snapped up at the voice and Alfred turned around to see Francis standing in the doorframe. He frowned at him. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm sorry, Alfred. I brought him with me." Matthew apologized frantically. "I went to the toilet and when I came back I couldn't help but overhear your talk. So you got a lover?" Alfred stood up and walked over to him. "Please don't tell anyone." Francis had an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry, but I already did." He held up his phone, Alfred could see 'W Chat', the school's chatting app, open.

xXBaguetteKingXx: Guys, guess what! Alfred is dating someone! It's secret and he didn't tell who, but he said 'it's the school's number one' as a hint. Do any of you know who he could have meant?

Alfred stared at the phone in disbelief, while answer after answer popped up. Everyone in the school had the app, it was anonym though, so no one knew who was who. Though some people gave themselves away, but that's a different story. Even the creator of the app was anonym, it was one of the students, but no one knew who. Many tried figuring out their identity, but no one succeeded so far.

YayForHotGuys: Really? It's not me, sadly. Maybe it's Chelsea, the leader of the Cheerleader team. She had her eyes on him for a time now and I wouldn't be surprised if it were her. She is pretty hot after all, I have to admit.

QueeniePink: What about Laura? She's the one of the girls with the most curves. I heard Alfred likes curves.

iLikeNiceBods: What about Natalya? She's one of the prettiest girls in school, maybe even the prettiest.

I'mNotHamlet: but isnt she scary af? xD if hes rly dating her then he got some courage
good luck al! x'D

It continued like that, people guessing, some disagreeing with others' guesses, some agreeing. Alfred couldn't look any longer. "This is insane." He muttered. "I'm just one of the many guys at school, why are they all concentrating on me?"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Francis shook his head in disapproving. "Alfred you're one of the most popular guys at school, of course there's much talk when you start dating someone. Now tell me, who is it?" He asked with a sweet smile. Alfred scoffed. "And why should I tell you? You would post it in the chat and then everyone would know. I was the one who placed the condition of telling no one, so don't expect me to tell you."
"You're no fun! Come on, I promise I won't tell!" Alfred shook his head. "No. Forget it. I won't tell you. Could please leave?" Francis sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll leave. But don't think I give up on finding out." Francis turned around and left, Matthew hurrying after him, whispering a 'Sorry' to Alfred as he passed him. Alfred just sighed and closed the door after them. He flopped down on the couch and let today's events run past him again. School, looking for Arthur, sex on the desk of the student council office, being slapped, Arthur's outbreak, agreeing with being his boyfriend, coming home, telling Matthew, being the talk of the school chat because of Francis. A pretty exciting day, all in all. Just as he thought that, he got a phone call. He pulled his phone out and saw a to him unknown number. He pressed the answer Button and raised the phone lazily to his ear. "Who's there?" A very familiar voice sounded from the other end of the line. "Alfred, I know I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but how in hell did this commotion in the chat happen?" Alfred sat up. "Arthur! How did you get my number?"
"That doesn't answer my question."
"Sorry, I told Matthew because he's like a brother to me and Francis overheard. I didn't say your name, so I think it's safe. Now, how did you get my number?" Silence. "Arthur?" Silence, then a quiet reply. "I can get everyone's number if I want to."
"That doesn't answer my question."
"Well, everyone in school logs in W Chat with their phone number, right?"
"That means you hacked the app?" To say Alfred was surprised wouldn't be enough. "No, I created it. So of course I have everyone's number saved somewhere." Alfred turned silent. The app was created three years ago, when Arthur was still in middle school. "So you were this smart in middle school to create an app?" Arthur snorted. "Oh please, it's not that difficult. Anyways, are you free tomorrow after school?" Alfred blinked, processing the information he just got. "Ah, um, yeah, sure!"
"Good, we meet up at 3 PM in the town. Do you know that small café, 'Le petit Paris'?"
"Yes, I do. Wh-"
"Okay. We meet up there. Be punctual."
"Wait! You know we can't meet up like this or else people will find out!" Alfred didn't have to know Arthur that well to know that he was rolling his eyes. "Of course, you git. I'll put a disguise on. See you." And with that, he hung up.

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