Not your fuckboy

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Alfred walked down the school hallway to the student council room. When he reached the door, he stopped, took a deep breath and knocked. Shuffling of paper was heard, then a small "Yes!" let him know that he could come in. Another deep breath and Alfred openend the door. "Oh my, Alfred. What a surprise." Arthur said with raised eyebrows. "Do you need more budget for your club?" Alfred shook his head. "No, I need to talk with you. Alone." He said looking at Francis and Michelle. Arthur sighed and dismissed the two with a wave of his hand. They left and Arthur stood up and walked around his desk. "So, what did you want to talk about? If it's about Saturday night, I can assure you that I won't tell anybody." Alfred shook his head. "That's not it." He looked around. "Is this room soundproof?" Arthur looked confused, but still answered him. "Yes, if you close the door and windows, no one can hear a thing." Alfred nodded. "Good." He locked the door, closed the windows and the curtains and switched on the lights. After he finished that, he turned around. "Alright, do me a favor."
"Depends, what favour?"
"Drop your pants."
"Drop your pants."
"Hell no!"
"Okay, I changed my mind. Strip completely."
"That's even worse!"
"Look, I want to find out if Saturday night was just something I did because I was drunk or because I was really attracted to you and your body. Now quit the talking and strip." Arthur looked like he wanted to protest, but let it drop. "But only five minutes." He slid off his jacket and dropped it. "I doubt five minutes will be enough." Alfred responded and watched as Arthur took off his vest, untied his tie and slipped out of his dress shirt. He discovered more marks than Sunday morning, mainly because back then, he didn't really pay attention to them. But now, that he wasn't utterly shocked and observing calmly, he saw them each in their glory. He started to count, but gave up after he reached twenty. "Okay, I'm finished. And now?" Alfred snapped out of his thoughts. He didn't notice Arthur had already discarded all of his clothes and stood now in front of him butt-naked, shifting around uncomfortably. Alfred walked over to him and around him, looking at every inch and taking it in completely. Then, he grabbed Arthur's hips and lifted him onto the student council desk. "What the- ? What the fuck are you doing?!" Arthur protested. "Spread your legs."
"I don't get it." Arthur said, but did as he was told anyways. "Interesting..." Alfred muttered as he examined Arthur's lower regions. He licked his fingers and stuck two of them inside, spreading them and taking an even closer look. "Hey!" Another protest from Arthur, but he did nothing to stop him. Alfred didn't even know what he was doing anymore when he unbuckled his pants and took out his member. "Wha- What the fuck are you- aaahn!" Arthur moaned out as he thrusted his member inside. "Why are you- aaahhn- doing thi- aah!" Arthur continued to moan as Alfred thrusted faster. Alfred didn't even know himself why he was doing this, the only things he knew right now is that this felt extremly good, that he was incredibly turned on by Arthur like he was now and that he didn't want to stop this. He bit Arthur's neck and sucked on it, leaving even more marks. Arthur let out louder moans, his voice somehow grew higher pitched as he moaned out his name. "Aaaah-Alfred... right there... aaaahnn... faster... harder..." He begged breathlessly. "Please... aaahn... Alfred..." Tears in his eyes, his face flushed bright red, breathing heavily and moaning out his name, Arthur almost looked like an angel. And who would refuse the plead of an angel. So, Alfred thrusted even faster and harder in the spot he hit just now. Arthur's arms, which where supporting him sitting up, gave in and he wrapped them around Alfred's neck. His nails dug into the leather of his bomber jacket and left wrinkles. "Aaaaahhnn... Alfred... yes.... more, please more Alfred!" Arthur cried out his name in ecstasy. "Aaaaahnn!" Arthur let out a long moan as Alfred thrusted even harder and faster than before. "Alfred... I'm cumming.... aaaaahhh... Alfred!" Alfred, who had been busy leaving marks on Arthur's body, pulled away for a brief moment. "Me too, Arthur." He panted. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhnnn!" Arthur came with a loud moan. At the same time, Alfred came inside of him. Arthur let himself fall forwards and collapsed exhausted on Alfred's shoulders. "What just happenend?" He asked him breathlessly. "I don't know." Alfred answered truthfully. "Seeing you like this just turned me on and I... I don't know, I just suddenly wanted to do this."
"Mmh." Arthur hummed and nuzzled his face into the crook of Alfred's neck. "And what now?" He asked. Alfred sighed. "I don't know." He pulled out of Arthur and zipped his pants close again. "Want to continue this?" He asked.


Alfred held his cheek and stared at the furious Arthur in front of him. Gritted teeth, tears in his eyes, Arthur shouted. "You jerk!!" A tear rolled down his face. "How can you say such a thing? That's nothing more than fuck buddies! I didn't get you more drunk and spent all the effort on Saturday to be just fuck buddies! I wanted to have only this ONE night so that I can forget you after it! I wanted to give up! And now you come here into this office and suddenly do this! How am I supposed to understand this?! How am I supposed to give up when you do things like this?!" Alfred stared at Arthur. "Man, you have feelings...."
"Of course I do! I'm not the emotionless, cruel student council president with a stick up in his arse! I'm neither the perfect student teachers think I am! I'm a human being, too! I have feelings and dreams! I also have my flaws! Am I not allowed to fall for someone just because I'm the 'great' student council president Arthur Kirkland? Just because everyone expects me to be like this?" His voice grew weaker during his rant and at the end he was barely audible. He sobbed. "That's not fair. It's just not fair." He hid his face in his hands. A few tears fell through the gaps between his fingers. Alfred carefully stepped closer. "Arthur..." Another sob. "Leave me alone. Just leave me alone." Arthur said, his voice weak. "Arthur, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry I treated you like this." Alfred took a deep breath. "Look, I'm just not ready for all this. Dating you would mean to come out to the whole school and not even I am sure how this works, how I feel. Hell, I even don't know my own sexuality anymore because of you and this whole thing." Arthur let his hands sink down and looked at Alfred. Tears still shimmered in his eyes, but he stopped crying. Alfred continued his talk. "We can go out if you want to, but under the condition that you promise me that you won't tell anyone until I figured everything out. Is this okay with you?" Arthur sniffled. "Really going out? As in you will be my boyfriend? Not just fuck buddies?" Alfred nodded. "Yes. As in I'll be your boyfriend." Arthur launched himself around Alfred's neck. "I promise not to tell anyone." He whispered. "So please, go out with me." Alfred laughed. "Alright, but please put on some clothes first." Arthur looked down at himself, hurriedly let go of Alfred and collected his clothes. "I'm going to limp even longer now..." he muttered. As he put on his pants, Alfred called out to him. "Arthur."
"Hmm?" He turned his head, just to be met by soft lips. Alfred kissed him. After a few seconds, Alfred pulled away. Arthur stood there, face getting redder each second and unable to do anything but stare. His mouth formed a soft whisper. The one thing he never told Alfred directly. Not during his rant before, not in all the time he had known him. "I love you."

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