Chapter 11

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Thank you XxiEmoLysa711xX for editing my chapter I really appreciate it, so thank you :) (*☻-☻*)

Jake POV

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed flabbergasted and angry as I stared at the thirty- five percent off coupon, "I mean, what the fuck! The stupid reward is a fucking massage from a spa?!"

"Yeah, what did you expect? Sex?" Lisa asked.

I stared at her for a moment to see if she was playing me. "Well, I don't know...YES!!"

"But that's not the prize, so here." She licked the back of the coupon and stuck to my forehead before walking back into the kitchen. I stared after her with wide eyes before I snapped out of it and followed her; coupon still attached to my brow.

"Well, what am I suppose to do with this boner?" I pointed out indicating my groin. Lisa simply shrugged and opened the fridge for another beer.

"I don't know," she started popping the tab, "just masturbate and it will go away." Lisa said before placing the edge of the can on her lips and taking a few gulps. I sighed, grabbing the coupon off my head and placing it into a nearby cabinet. "No, no! I'm not going to just sigh and take it! I'm Alpha dammit! And my mate is going to not only respect that but give me what I want!" My wolf howled in agreement at my inner speech, which encouraged me further. Without further hesitation I strode over to Lisa and grabbed her from around the back, causing her to drop her beverage on the counter. I could tell she was getting ready to protest and complain at the action, but all of that ceded when I kissing, sucking, and gently nipping her neck.

"Ah! Jake stop!" Lisa moaned. I ignored her and continued to make little red splotches appear on her soft skin. "Jake, I said stop. I don't want to do it!" Lisa said pushing me away.

My complaint was interrupted by the door bell ringing. "I'll get it." I said while heading to the door. I unlocked and opened it, only to come face to face with Mike. "Oi vey! Can this night go anymore downhill?"

Mike POV

Ever since Jake unexpectantly left me at the party with out telling me, I kept calling him only to be answered by his voicemail. I called him like a thousand times; literally. Sure it was kind of above the stalker limit but it was because I was worried... Okay maybe not so much worried but more looking for an explanation as to why he left so suddenly. Gathering up my courage and pride I decided to go to his house and demand an explanation.

Arriving outside of the gate I punched in the code that I memorized only from my multitude of visits, and drove up the driveway to the house. I didn't see Jake's parent's cars, which was good, but I saw Jake's, which is also good. I turned off the engine and got out my car, walked up to the porch, and rang the doorbell. I waited a few moments before I heard the sounds of locks moving and door opening to reveal Jake, wearing only his boxers. I couldn't help but notice the large tent in the crotch area. "Hmm, maybe if everything goes well his erection and I can be reacquainted."

"Umm, hey Mike..." Jake greeted awkwardly.

"Don't you 'hey' me! Why haven't you answered my phone calls, and why did you ditch me at the party?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"I've been busy..." he said. "He's obviously hiding something."

"'I've been busy...'"I said mimicking Jake, "Don't lie to me! I know you're lying or hiding something, because every time you lie you begin to sweat." Jake reached up with his hand and wiped at his forehead, inspecting the beads of moisture that were left behind. I stared at him with my arms crossed waiting for an answer.

"Come in, we need to talk " Jake said stepping aside so I could walk into his huge house.

"Finally you let me in." I said in a bitchy tone. I walked past him, making sure he got a whiff of the expensive cologne he bought me for our anniversary, and a good view of my ass in a pair of jeans that fitted it perfectly. I continued to walk into the living room when I saw her. That whore Lisa something or other. The bitch was standing in the hallway smugly sipping a beer like she belonged here, in my man's house. We had a stare off for a moment until she removed the can from her mouth and smirked at me; that made me lose it.

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