New Perspective

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I walked up to the Brew and instantly became nervous. What if what happened last night was just a one time thing? I was already hurting from Ezra's betrayal, I didn't think I could take it if Jason wasn't in my life either.

All of my worries quickly washed away though once I saw Jason's face light up as I walked into the coffee shop. He was sitting at a high table, next to the large windows that made up the wall, that was meant for two, and got up to order something to drink with me.

We both order coffee and take our seats. At first, its awkward. Neither one of us knows what to say to the other, especially about last night.

Finally, not being able to take it any longer, I ask, "What happened last night was real, right?"

"I'm not sure I know what you mean?"

"It wasn't something that happened 'in the moment', was it?"

Jason stares at me intently, almost bewildered that'd I even asked that question. He takes a minute to think about his next words, then finally replies, "Aria, what happened yesterday didn't happen just because we were 'in the moment.' I really do care about you, a lot," he takes my hand, looks me in the eyes and says, "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Even when you were a power puff girl, I was always waiting for you to catch on and see how much I cared for you. You didn't see me as just Ali's older brother who was always getting into trouble. You saw who I could be. As the person I am now."

Instead of replying, I lightly brush his face with my free hand, and stared into his beautiful green eyes. I leaned across the table and, despite being in public, gave him a small kiss that held so much intention.

I knew I could let Jason in. After all, if he was able to let me inside his head and heart after all the despair and heartache that had consumed him for years, I could too.

Jason was no Ezra Fitz. He would, hopefully one day, love me endlessly. He'd never hurt me and he would always try to be there for me during every hard time I might have.

We stay like that for a moment, just looking at one another, thinking of all the endless possibilities our future together might hold, when Jason interrupts.

"I have something for you," he tells me, looking excited, yet very nervous. He pulls a large, flat box out of his bag and hands it to me.

After carefully opening the box I looked inside and find pictures, of me, sleeping.

Confused I asked him what this was for and he quickly replies, "Alison took them. While I was renovating her room I found this box full of stuff, and in there was a roll of film. I developed it and saw all the pictures of you."

I was stunned, to say the least. "I never knew Alison was into photography. They're very beautiful."

"I know," he says, winking at me.

"Hey, about that box, what all was in it?"

"Just girl stuff. I can show it to you if you want," he suggests.

After I agree, we make our way out of the shop and head over to Jason's in his car.

"I'll go grab the box, you can wait here if you want."

I thank him and take a seat on his porch. I start thinking, about Alison, how I never knew anything about her, but she always knew everything about us.

In the middle of thinking, a car pulls up into Jason's driveway. A car that was all too familiar to me.


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